Alice is a fictional character, the protagonist of Lewis Carroll's children's novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass (1871). A young child living during the mid-Victorian era, she goes on adventures by falling down a rabbit hole to Wonderland, and in the sequel, through a mirror to Looking-Glass Land. The character has her origins in stories told by Carroll to the young Liddell sisters while rowing on the Isis with his friend Robinson Duckworth, and on subsequent rowing trips. Although she shares her name with Alice Liddell's given name, it is controversial among scholars as to whether or not she can be identified as Liddell. Carroll characterised her as "loving and gentle," "courteous to all," "trustful," and "wildly curious". His illustrations of her in Alice's Adventures Under Ground, the first version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland are influenced by the Pre-Raphaelite artists.
Political cartoonist John Tenniel illustrated Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.