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Leviathan is a russe film of genre Drama directed by Andreï Zviaguintsev released in USA on 25 december 2014 with Alekseï Serebryakov

Leviathan (2014)


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Released in USA 25 december 2014
Length 2h20
Genres Drama,    Crime
Rating75% 3.7983753.7983753.7983753.7983753.798375

Leviathan (Russian: Левиафан, Leviafan) is a 2014 Russian drama film directed by Andrey Zvyagintsev, co-written by Zvyagintsev and Oleg Negin, and starring Aleksei Serebryakov, Elena Lyadova, and Vladimir Vdovichenkov. According to Zvyagintsev, the story of Marvin Heemeyer in the United States inspired him and it was adapted into a Russian setting, but critics compare the story to the more similar biblical story of Naboth's Vineyard, where a King vies for his subjects' land and is motivated by his Queen to obtain it in a sly manner. The character development of the protagonist parallels another biblical figure, Job. The producer Alexander Rodnyansky has said: "It deals with some of the most important social issues of contemporary Russia while never becoming an artist's sermon or a public statement; it is a story of love and tragedy experienced by ordinary people". Critics noted the film as being formidable, dealing with quirks of fate, power and money.

The film was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or in the main competition section at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival. Zvyagintsev and Negin won the award for Best Screenplay. The film was adjudged as the best film of the year at the 2014 London Film Festival and the 45th International Film Festival of India. It won the Best Foreign Language Film award at the 72nd Golden Globe Awards. It was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.


Set in fictional town of Pribrezhny (shot in the coastal town of Teriberka, Murmansk Oblast), Russia, the plot follows the tragic series of events that affect Kolya (Aleksei Serebryakov), a hotheaded car mechanic, his second wife Lilya (Elena Lyadova) and his teenage son, Roma (Sergey Pokhodyaev). The town's crooked Mayor Vadim (Roman Madyanov) has undertaken a legal plot to expropriate the land on which Kolya's house is built.


Alekseï Serebryakov

(Nikolay Sergeev)
Vladimir Vdovitchenkov

(Dmitri, the lawyer friend.)
Elena Lyadova

(Liliya Sergeeva)
Roman Sergueïevitch Madianov

(Vadim, the mayor.)
Trailer of Leviathan

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Source : Wikidata


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