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Alberto Sordi is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter and Producer Italien born on 15 june 1920 at Rome (Italie)

Alberto Sordi

Alberto Sordi
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Nationality Italie
Birth 15 june 1920 at Rome (Italie)
Death 25 february 2003 (at 82 years) at Rome (Italie)

Alberto Sordi ([alˈbɛrto ˈsordi]; 15 June 1920 – 24 February 2003), Cavaliere di Gran Croce OMRI was an Italian actor. He was also a film director and the dubbing voice of Oliver Hardy in the Italian version of the Laurel & Hardy films.


Les premières expériences
Quatrième fils du professeur de musique Pietro Sordi (qui meurt en 1941) et de Maria Righetti, il naît dans le quartier populaire du Trastevere à Rome. Dès l'école élémentaire, il commence à improviser pour ses compagnons de classe des interprétations avec un théâtre de marionnettes. Il chante aussi comme soprano dans ce qu'en Italie on appelle un chœur de voix blanches , celui de la Chapelle Sixtine (Coro di voci bianche : chœur d'enfants).

Il abandonne ensuite sa formation scolaire et se rend à Milan pour une courte période, où il étudie la récitation à l'Académie des Filodrammatici ; il en est expulsé apparemment à cause de son parler mâtiné de dialecte romain (il en obtient, beaucoup plus tard, un diplôme honorifique).

Figurant et comédien de doublage
De retour dans la capitale, il trouve en 1937 un travail comme figurant à Cinecittà et gagne le concours organisé par la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pour doubler la voix de Oliver Hardy (tandis que Mauro Zambuto prêtait sa voix à Stan Laurel).
Il travaille comme comédien de doublage jusqu'en 1951 donnant sa voix entre autres à Bruce Bennett dans Le Trésor de la Sierra Madre et dans Les Passagers de la nuit, à Anthony Quinn dans Buffalo Bill, à John Ireland dans La Rivière rouge et dans Un gangster pas comme les autres, à Robert Mitchum dans La Vallée de la peur, à Pedro Armendáriz dans Le Massacre de Fort Apache. Il prête aussi sa voix à des acteurs italiens comme Franco Fabrizi dans Chronique d'un amour de Michelangelo Antonioni et même Marcello Mastroianni dans Dimanche d'août de Luciano Emmer. Sa voix est aussi très reconnaissable dans le chef-d'œuvre de Vittorio De Sica Le Voleur de bicyclette.

Le music-hall
Après une tentative infructueuse en compagnie d'Aldo Fabrizi entre 1936 et 1937 dans le théâtre léger, il débute dans le music-hall comme boy dans la compagnie de Guido Riccioli et de Nanda Primavera (mariés dans la vie), avec le spectacle Ma in campagna è un’altra… cosa (1938). Suivent ensuite Teatro della caricatura (1942), Ritorna Za-Bum (1943) écrit par Marcello Marchesi et dirigé par Mario Mattoli, Un Mondo di armonie (1944), Imputati… Alziamoci (1945) de Michele Galdieri, Soffia so... (1946) de Garinei et Giovannini, E lui dice... (1947) de Oreste Biancoli et enfin Gran baraonda (1949) de Garinei et Giovannini, sa dernière apparition sur scène aux côtés de Wanda Osiris, qu'il a l'occasion de diriger en 1973 dans un passage important du film Polvere di stelle.

Les parodies radiophoniques
C'est à la radio, juste après guerre, qu'il commence à avoir un grand succès personnel avec les émissions Rouge et noir (Rosso e nero, 1947), Oplà (1947) et Alberto Sordi vous parle (Vi parla Alberto Sordi, 1948) où il crée des personnages destinés à une grande popularité : Monsieur dit (Signor Dice), Le Comte clair (Conte claro) et Mario Pio. Il réutilise ces derniers par la suite en 1968 et 1969 dans l'émission radiophonique Grande Variété (Gran varietà). Alighiero Noschese aussi les reprend en 1970 pour l'émission satirique à succès Double Couple (Doppia coppia).

Les premières tentatives au cinéma
Au cinéma, durant une dizaine d'années, il interprète des rôles minuscules ou insignifiants dans une vingtaine de films, mis à part le rôle dans Les Trois Aiglons (I Tre aquilotti, 1942) de Mario Mattoli, où il figure parmi les protagonistes. Il se fait remarquer en 1951 dans une œuvre mise en scène par Vittorio De Sica et Cesare Zavattini, Mamma mia che impressione!. Dans ce film, bien que transposant dans le cinéma le modèle de récitation très verbale utilisé à la radio, il crée un personnage très original (Il Compagnuccio della parrocchiettà ou littéralement L'Ami de la petite paroisse) qu'il reproposera ensuite dans d'autres œuvres mineures.

Avec Steno et Federico Fellini
De 1952 à 1955, Sordi explose sur le grand écran. D'abord avec deux films réalisés par Federico Fellini, Le Cheik blanc (Lo Sceicco bianco) et Les Inutiles (Les Vitelloni), puis avec ceux réalisés par Steno (Les Gaietés de la Correctionnelle, Un Giorno in pretura, Un Americano a Roma et Piccola posta) où il crée le type d'homme lâche, profiteur, indolent et tire-au-flanc qui l'accompagne tout au long des années 1950 jusqu'au film La Grande Guerre (La Grande Guerra, 1959) de Mario Monicelli dans lequel il incarne un soldat fainéant et planqué contraint de mourir en héros.

Le grand protagoniste de la comédie à l'italienne

Avec l'arrivée de la comédie à l'italienne, il a donné vie à une multitude de personnages représentant l'« Italien moyen », presque tous négatifs, pas très moraux, mais correspondant à une réalité évidente. Il les a dépeint avec une méchanceté entachée parfois d'une touche d'autosatisfaction, mais toujours pardonnée grâce à sa diction magistrale sans égale. À de nombreuses occasions, il a collaboré aussi au sujet et à la mise en scène des films dans lesquels il a joué (plus de 150) et des 19 films qu'il a dirigés lui-même.

En un demi-siècle de carrière, de la période de la guerre jusqu'à nos jours, Sordi a réussi à fournir une fidèle image de l'histoire des valeurs et des coutumes de l'italien typique, observé à travers ses bassesses, mais à la fin racheté par son grand cœur et sa capacité à rêver les yeux grand ouverts.

Parmi ses plus beaux films : Bravissimo (1955) de Luigi Filippo D'Amico, Venise, la lune et toi (Venezia, la luna e tu, 1958) de Dino Risi, Le Veuf (Il vedovo, 1959) de Dino Risi, Il moralista (1959) de Giorgio Bianchi, le touchant La Grande Guerre (La Grande Guerra, 1959) de Mario Monicelli, La Grande Pagaille (Tutti a casa 1960) de Luigi Comencini, Il vigile (1960) de Luigi Zampa, Une Vie difficile (Una vita difficile, 1961) de Dino Risi, Il Boom(1963) de Vittorio De Sica, Fumo di Londra (1966), qui le voit pour la première fois aussi derrière la caméra, Il Medico della mutua (1968) de Luigi Zampa, Detenuto in attesa di giudizio (1971) de Nanni Loy, Poussière d'étoiles (Polvere di stelle, 1973), dirigé par lui-même, Un Bourgeois tout petit petit (Un Borghese piccolo piccolo, 1977) de Mario Monicelli, Le Marquis s'amuse (Il Marchese del Grillo, 1981) de Mario Monicelli, Il Tassinaro (1983) et Nestore, l'ultima corsa (1993), tous les deux sous sa direction. Il faut aussi retenir la collaboration artistique avec le compositeur Piero Piccioni, qui a signé la musique de ses films les plus célèbres.

Détenteur de cinq Rubans d'argent et de sept David di Donatello, il gagne en 1972 le prestigieux Ours d'or au Festival de Berlin et obtient en 1995 le Lion d'or pour sa carrière au Festival de Venise.

Vers la fin des années 1990, il se retire de la scène, après le peu de succès de son dernier film Incontri proibiti, aux côtés de Valeria Marini. Mais il fait des apparitions dans de nombreuses émissions de télévision, dans lesquelles il fait preuve de son grand sarcasme et de sa bonhomie. Le jour de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire, le maire de Rome, Francesco Rutelli, lui cède l'« écharpe » de maire de cette ville dont il a été le fils bien-aimé, et dont il a raillé gaillardement les vices et les fausses vertus.

Les paroles du réalisateur Mario Monicelli prononcées à la mort de l'acteur mettent bien en lumière les traits d'un des plus grands artistes du cinéma italien :

« Ce fut le plus grand acteur, mais il fut surtout un auteur extraordinaire, le créateur du personnage avec lequel il a traversé plus de 50 ans de l'histoire italienne. En tant que réalisateur, je dis qu'il était extrêmement facile de travailler avec Sordi, parce qu'il était justement le plus grand. Il suffisait de quelques échanges de regards et il comprenait le ton à donner à son interprétation et donc au film. Il a été un comique capable de contrevenir à toutes les règles du comique. »

Usually with

Rodolfo Sonego
Rodolfo Sonego
(45 films)
Ruggero Maccari
Ruggero Maccari
(21 films)
Ettore Scola
Ettore Scola
(20 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Alberto Sordi (133 films)

Display filmography as list


Ingrid Bergman: In Her Own Words, 1h54
Directed by Stig Björkman
Genres Documentary, Historical
Themes Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry
Actors Alicia Vikander, Isabella Rossellini, Roberto Rossellini, Ingrid Bergman, Liv Ullmann, Sigourney Weaver
Roles Self (archive footage)
Rating73% 3.6930353.6930353.6930353.6930353.693035
Nommée sept fois aux Oscars, Ingrid Bergman y fut récompensée trois fois. Elle fut une des actrices les plus talentueuses de l’âge d’or du cinéma hollywoodien et ses rôles dans des films comme CASABLANCA (1942), HANTISE (1944) et SONATE D’AUTOMNE (1978) sont inoubliables. En partant d’archives privées et d’interviews de ses enfants, ce film dresse un portrait personnel et offre aux spectateurs un aperçu de la vie exceptionnelle d’une jeune Suédoise qui devint l’une des plus célèbres actrices des États-Unis et du monde.
The Story of a Poor Young Man, 2h
Directed by Ettore Scola
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Alberto Sordi, Rolando Ravello, Isabella Ferrari, Renato De Carmine, Mario Carotenuto, Sara Franchetti
Roles Bartoloni
Rating63% 3.19813.19813.19813.19813.1981
Vincenzo Persico is a young unemployed person who lives in an apartment with his mother that you feel frustrated, and for the precarious economic situation and for the fact that it proves too Protector against him as Vincenzo is an only child and she is a widow. The building also lives an old man, Bartoloni that reflects the bad character of his wife Karline (fat and arrogant) and because of this, tries to seduce a young girl, Marcella, in the hope of a possible love affair.
The Miser
The Miser (1990)
, 1h57
Directed by Tonino Cervi
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays, Molière au cinéma
Actors Alberto Sordi, Laura Antonelli, Valérie Allain, Miguel Bosé, Lucia Bosè, Franco Interlenghi
Roles Arpagone
Rating60% 3.0114553.0114553.0114553.0114553.011455
The rich and miserly Don Arpagone lives his days following precise patterns and commanding his servants and sons. He wants to marry a rich girl named Marianna, but is loved by the boy Valerio, without Arpagone know. As if that were not enough, Arpagone, in addition to wanting the inheritance of the new bride, intends to marry his daughter with a rich noble to earn more money.
In the Name of the Sovereign People, 1h50
Directed by Luigi Magni
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Nino Manfredi, Jacques Perrin, Alberto Sordi, Elena Sofia Ricci, Luca Barbareschi, Massimo Wertmüller
Roles Marchese Arquati
Rating65% 3.2804853.2804853.2804853.2804853.280485
The film is set in Rome in 1848 - 1849. Violent revolutionary uprisings by young liberals create havoc in the city, while the Church and the nobles do not care and think only of saving their property. The King of Italy for convenience supports the policy of the French emperor, intending himself to fight against Austria to regain the old domains to Italy many years ago. The First Italian War of Independence is lost and Roman patriots Angelo Brunetti and Giovanni Livraghi are shot with the condemnation of enemies of the Italian nobility and the king.
Cinema Paradiso, 1h58
Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes L'adolescence, Films about films, Films about children, Medical-themed films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Films about disabilities, La cécité
Actors Philippe Noiret, Salvatore Cascio, Marco Leonardi, Jacques Perrin, Brigitte Fossey, Antonella Attili
Roles Alberto (archive footage) (uncredited)
Rating84% 4.2499154.2499154.2499154.2499154.249915
In Rome, in the 1980s, famous Italian film director Salvatore Di Vita returns home late one evening, where his girlfriend sleepily tells him that his mother called to say someone named Alfredo has died. Salvatore obviously shies from committed relationships and has not been to his home village of Giancaldo, Sicily in 30 years. As his girlfriend asks him who Alfredo is, Salvatore flashes back to his childhood.
Taste of Life, 1h46
Directed by Enrico Oldoini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Transport films, Vieillesse, Road movies
Actors Alberto Sordi, Bernard Blier, Andréa Ferréol, Vittorio Caprioli, Alberto Sorrentino, Nerina Montagnani
Roles Elvio Battistini
Rating57% 2.8537952.8537952.8537952.8537952.853795
Two retirees who were been abandoned by their families, Elvio Battistini and Giuseppe Mondardini, tired of spending yet another August in the city, decide to take a "shot of life". Using the car made available by Mondardini, the two decided to go to visit a friend who lives in Bordighera and then to spend a few days in Portofino.
Great! (1986)
, 1h50
Directed by Carlo Verdone
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Carlo Verdone, Alberto Sordi, Mario Brega, John Steiner, Franca Dominici
Roles Count Giangiacomo Pigna Corelli in Selci
Rating64% 3.2474553.2474553.2474553.2474553.247455
Rome. Oscar Pettinari, appelé affectueusement Troppo forte (trop fort) par ses amis, est un jeune banlieusard qui fréquente Cinecittà et rêve de devenir acteur de films d'action, ou à tout le moins de jouer les cascadeurs. Un matin, il est écarté de la sélection des figurants par un important producteur américain à cause de son aspect trop débonnaire, mais il fait la rencontre d'un avocat pour le moins particulier, le comte Giangiacomo Pigna Corelli Inselci. Avec l'aide de cet étrange personnage, Oscar met en scène un accident de moto pour piéger le producteur qui l'a écarté de son film, mais le destin fait en sorte qu'au volant de l'automobile qui l'aurait percuté se trouve non pas ledit producteur, mais bien Nancy, une jeune et ravissante actrice américaine (aussi amante de l'homme), qui perdra son rôle à la suite de cette histoire.
I Am an ESP
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Elsa Martinelli, Claudio Gora, Maurizio Micheli, Gianni Bonagura, Marne Maitland
Roles Roberto Razzi
Rating55% 2.768872.768872.768872.768872.76887
Roberto Razzi, the skeptical and atheist host of the TV-program "Future", is a well-known debunker of pseudoscientists and gurus. During a travel in India, he will receive paranormal powers, that will put at risk his professional and sentimental life.
Bertoldo, Bertoldino, and Cacasenno, 2h1
Directed by Mario Monicelli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Ugo Tognazzi, Maurizio Nichetti, Alberto Sordi, Lello Arena, Carlo Bagno, Isabelle Illiers
Roles Friar Cipolla
Rating65% 3.250683.250683.250683.250683.25068
Vicenza, 800 AD. The crude peasant Bertoldo is invited to the court of King Alboin and manages to ingratiate himself with all the nobility of the city for his pranks and his jokes. Back in his small village from the silly wife Marcolfa and the brain-damaged son Bertoldino, the farmer Bertoldo discovers that he was robbed.
All for the Moral Majority!, 1h50
Directed by Alberto Sordi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Prison films, Films about capital punishment
Actors Alberto Sordi, Dalila Di Lazzaro, Joe Pesci, Giorgia Moll, Armando Francioli, Tino Bianchi
Roles Annibale Salvemini
Rating57% 2.899642.899642.899642.899642.89964
The judge Annibale is an incorruptible magistrate of Rome which, although close to retirement, does not intend to show any sign of weakness. He continues his severe work and continues feeding without pity all the poor people that comes within range, including of course the criminals. All his colleagues admire him, including his girlfriend with whom he is to marry. But also an honest judge and moralist like Annibale has secrets. In fact he, in addition to his life full of lies and worldliness, has entered into an agreement with an American mafia boss: Corrado Parisi. In fact, Annibale was forced against his will to accept the assignment to not send to jail the whole company of the boss, who is preparing a shady traffic. Annibale eventually tries to rebel, but can not make it in time for the television journalists discover it. Comments are added to the scandal of the best friends of Annibale and his esteemed colleagues of the court immediately condemn him as the worst of all parasites. The life of Annibale is destroyed in one fell swoop.
I Know That You Know That I Know, 1h58
Directed by Alberto Sordi
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Monica Vitti, Micaela Pignatelli, Claudio Gora
Roles Fabio
Rating67% 3.3963853.3963853.3963853.3963853.396385
Fabio spends a quiet family life with his wife Lydia. But one day the man discovers that his wife could be a secret agent, and that she has not said anything him for not disrupting the coniugal live. So Fabio begins to investigate and discovers that his wife is involved in intrigues was the fault of a corrupt politician, and then the man discovers that even has a rare disease that is slowly killing him. When Fabio thinks that there is no more hope, suddenly wakes up and discovers a secret that dream reality had not revealed.
Journey with Papa, 1h58
Directed by Alberto Sordi
Genres Comedy
Themes Transport films, Road movies
Actors Alberto Sordi, Carlo Verdone, Edi Angelillo, Angelo Infanti, Tiziana Pini, Ugo Bologna
Roles Armando Ferretti
Rating63% 3.1546953.1546953.1546953.1546953.154695
Armando does not spend much time with his shy son Cristiano, so he decides to go with him a beach holiday.
The Marquis of Grillo, 2h15
Directed by Mario Monicelli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Caroline Berg, Riccardo Billi, Jacques Herlin, Flavio Bucci, Cochi Ponzoni
Roles Onofrio Del Grillo
Rating77% 3.85143.85143.85143.85143.8514
Rome, Year of our Lord 1809. The Pope Pius VII with his cardinals and ministers manages both temporal and spiritual power of the Papal States in Italy. The Marquis Onofrio del Grillo is one of his favorites, but even the worst of all the nobility. As a privileged and protected nobleman, Onofrio feels free to play his pranks on the poor people without any fear of the consequences. On one occasion, when he is arrested at a dinner with common criminals, he turns to the populace in a vulgar speech, claiming that his nobility allows him to do what he wants, and that they, being poor, are not worth anything. Memorable is the dispute between the poor Jew Aaron Piperno and the Marquis for the payment of a salary. Aaron is amazed when Onofrio refuses to pay with the argument that his creditor being a Jew is a murderer of Jesus. Aaron brings his case to court, but Onofrio wins the lawsuit by corrupting the judges and the cardinals. Piperno is condemned and mocked by the people, and Onofrio announces to the Pope that justice has just died in his States.
Catherine and I, 1h45
Directed by Alberto Sordi
Genres Science fiction, Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Catherine Spaak, Edwige Fenech, Rossano Brazzi, Valeria Valeri, Ugo Bologna
Roles Enrico Menotti
Rating55% 2.75822.75822.75822.75822.7582
Enrico has a troubled relationship with his wife, daughter and lover. For this reason he decides to download all of them and to dedicate himself to peace. In fact he has been attracted by the waiter-robot of a friend, and so Enrico asks him to sell it. The robot is called Catherine (Caterina) and serves Enrico to perfection, but he ends up falling in love with him, and so it equally happens to Catherine, who becomes infatuated with his master. Howeve, the different nature of the two prevents the relationship ...
Hypochondriac, 1h47
Directed by Tonino Cervi
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays, Molière au cinéma
Actors Alberto Sordi, Laura Antonelli, Bernard Blier, Christian De Sica, Ettore Manni, Vittorio Caprioli
Roles Don Argante
Rating60% 3.0492053.0492053.0492053.0492053.049205
In Rome the rich and stingy landowner Argante believed to be sick in any possible harm, although born as a fish. Another thing that the cruel man holds great attention is his money and his contract with a young doctor for the wedding of his daughter Lucrezia. In fact, the good catch is considered the girl a total moron who knows nothing about medicine, but Don Argante not pay much attention and just think to combine the deal as soon as possible. Meanwhile his wife, without his or her knowledge, betrays him with another. Comes the doctor betrothed his daughter to the house of Argante, as he finds himself in yet another false relapse, and thus begins to visit him. Argante now realizes the nonsense that says the young but is only about money and does not care. Later, between the master and his servant turns a strong argument that Argante is not loved by anyone in the family except by his servants. To test the family Argante is persuaded by the servants to pretend to be dead in order to discover the hatred that his wife and family have of him and so it happens. As if that were not enough rich to the poor has been stolen also deposit money.