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Bella Darvi is a Actor Polonaise born on 23 october 1928 at Sosnowiec (Pologne)

Bella Darvi

Bella Darvi
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Birth name Bayla Wegier
Nationality Pologne
Birth 23 october 1928 at Sosnowiec (Pologne)
Death 11 september 1971 (at 42 years) at Monte Carlo (Monaco)

Bajla Węgier (October 23, 1928 – September 11, 1971), better known as Bella Darvi, was a Polish film actress and stage performer who was active in France and the United States.


Darvi was born Bajla Węgier to Jewish parents Chajm Węgier, a baker, and his wife, Chaja (née Zygelbaum). She had three brothers, Robert, Jacques, and Jean-Isidore, and a sister, Sura. Robert died in a concentration camp.

Jailed by the Nazis during World War II, she was released in 1943. She married a businessman, Alban Cavalcade, on October 7, 1950 and traveled with him to Monaco. She was discovered in Paris by the wife of mogul Darryl F. Zanuck. In 1952, she divorced Cavalcade, and moved into the Zanuck home. She signed a contract in August 1953 with Zanuck, who changed her name to Bella Darvi, Darvi is a combination of the first names of Zanuck and his wife, Virginia. Eventually, she became Zanuck's mistress, although she reportedly dated other men including Robert Stack and Brad Dexter.

She was Richard Widmark's love interest in Sam Fuller's film Hell and High Water (1954) as well as that of Kirk Douglas in The Racers (1955), but is probably best remembered for the role of Nefer, the seductive Babylonian courtesan, in The Egyptian (1954). She received the role because her lover, Zanuck, preferred her over Marilyn Monroe. According to Ephraim Katz, her "three disappointing Hollywood films" were followed by a "number of undistinguished French and Italian productions".

Zanuck left his wife for Darvi, but left her when he discovered that she was bisexual. Darvi later very publicly dated women, as well as men. Despite liaisons with extremely wealthy men, she was unable to establish a permanent relationship or to curb her gambling habit. Zanuck was still paying off her debts as late as 1970. On November 13, 1960, Darvi married Claude Rouas, a restaurant waiter, in Las Vegas; the marriage was annulled less than a year later.

Darvi committed suicide, after several failed attempts, in Monte Carlo by gas. Her body remained undiscovered for more than a week.

Best films

Headlines of Destruction (1955)

Usually with

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Filmography of Bella Darvi (12 films)

Display filmography as list


The Granddaughter's Model, 1h20
Directed by Jean-Claude Roy
Origin France
Genres Drama, Erotic, Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, BDSM in films, Films about virginity, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Marie-Georges Pascal, Michèle Girardon, Bella Darvi, François Guérin, Vincent Gauthier, Romain Bouteille
Roles Mrs. de Rosbourg
Rating50% 2.511562.511562.511562.511562.51156
In the early 1970s, the Countess of Ségur's heroines have grown up. They are now teenagers with the usual preoccupations of their age. In the beautiful and peaceful area of Fleurville the good little girls (and their mothers) feel something is missing, which their girlish games cannot really fulfil; "a lack of men ..."
Le Bourgeois gentil mec, 1h30
Directed by Raoul André
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Jean Lefebvre, Francis Blanche, Darry Cowl, Georges Géret, Annie Cordy, Bernadette Stern
Roles la tante
Rating43% 2.1685652.1685652.1685652.1685652.168565
Monsieur Gentil possède une grande usine de parfums que dirige tambour battant Mademoiselle Marthe. Timide et bourré de complexes, Monsieur Gentil essaie de plaire à Cléo. Il rêve surtout de pouvoir égaler les célèbres bandits siciliens. Brusquement, ce rêve saugrenu devient réalité.
Lipstick (1960)

Directed by Damiano Damiani
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Pietro Germi, Giorgia Moll, Bella Darvi, Ivano Staccioli, Nino Marchetti, Renato Mambor
Roles Nora, madre di Silvana
Rating67% 3.3756253.3756253.3756253.3756253.375625
Silvana, une adolescente de treize ans, porte à Gino, un proxénète, un amour sincère. Lorsqu'une prostituée est découverte assassinée dans leur immeuble, Silvana ne dit à personne qu'elle a vu Gino sortir de l'appartement de la victime. De son côté, Gino affirme à la police qu'il ne connaît pas cette fille.
The Enigma of the Folies-Bergère, 1h22
Origin France
Genres Crime
Actors Bella Darvi, Dora Doll, Armand Mestral, Jean Tissier, Jean Brochard, Franck Villard
Roles Solange
Rating51% 2.585322.585322.585322.585322.58532
Double meurtre aux Folies-Bergère ; le commissaire Raffin mène l'enquête, mais les meurtres continuent.
The Mask of the Gorilla, 1h40
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Drama, Action, Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films
Actors Lino Ventura, Charles Vanel, Pierre Dux, Bella Darvi, Jean-Pierre Mocky, Émile Genevois
Roles Isolène
Rating59% 2.9538552.9538552.9538552.9538552.953855
En 1957, en France, « le Gorille », as des services spéciaux, parvient grâce à sa force et à son astuce à démanteler un réseau d'espionnage qui a mis la main sur les secrets atomiques français. Son enquête le mène à un certain Veslot, un diplomate…
Sinners of Paris, 1h22
Directed by Pierre Chenal
Origin France
Genres Crime
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films, Heist films, Gangster films, Escroquerie
Actors Charles Vanel, Bella Darvi, Michel Piccoli, Danielle Patisson, François Guérin, Marcel Mouloudji
Roles Cri Cri
Rating64% 3.249263.249263.249263.249263.24926
Après la mort d'un collègue et ami lors de l'évasion d'un truand dit Le Fondu, l'inspecteur Vardier a juré de le venger. Pour cela, il va manipuler le neveu du Fondu dit Le Niçois, un petit proxénète. Parallèlement Vardier va entamer une liaison avec Lucie, la femme de Gilbert Barrot, un inspecteur débutant. Le Niçois va balancer Le Fondu, mais ce dernier sentant le piège venir élimine froidement son neveu. Quand Lucie veut rompre avec Vardier, celui-ci va développer une jalousie maladive envers Gilbert. La police étant au courant du casse projeté par Le Fondu ils organisent une souricière, celle-ci tourne mal et Le Fondu se met à tirer, Vardier envoi alors Gilbert Barrot à sa poursuite croyant l'envoyer à la mort, Le Fondu tire mais c'est un autre collègue qui succombe. Finalement la maîtresse du Niçois vient balancer Le Fondu pour se venger du meurtre de son amant. Son repaire étant localisé, les policiers se rendent sur place, mais Le Fondu, sans nouvelle de Cricri, sa maîtresse se rend à Pigalle dans le cabaret où elle exerce. Ne supportant pas que sa maîtresse prenne ses distances, il va pour l’étrangler mais la jeune femme l’assomme. Le Fondu sera arrêté mais aura le temps de jeter une grenade dans le commissariat. Vardier se suicidera en faisant exploser la grenade sous son corps, tandis que Le Fondu sera abattu en tentant de s'échapper du commissariat.
I'll Get Back to Kandara, 1h35
Directed by Victor Vicas
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Daniel Gélin, François Périer, Bella Darvi, Patrick Dewaere, Jean Brochard, Robert Dalban
Roles Pascale Barret

L'enseignant André Barret est de retour d'un pénible échec professionnel à Kandara, l'une des plus anciennes villes du Kenya construite pendant l'ère coloniale, à la fois en zone agricole et cependant dotée de collèges et établissements universitaires. Avec son épouse qui supporte mal cette situation, il obtient un poste en province à Loudun, petite ville du Centre-Ouest de la France. Un soir, le professeur entrevoit l'auteur d'un meurtre dans la pénombre; le cafetier Cordelec est la victime. Dès lors, ses soupçons se portent sur l'un de ses élèves qui vient d'arriver dans sa classe, Bernard Cormiere. La tension monte et le professeur se sent menacé. Le jeune homme tente d'attaquer Barret mais ce dernier réplique et parvient à blesser gravement son élève. Il va mourir mais parvient à accuser Barret du meurtre du cafetier avant de rendre l'âme. L'enquête se complique encore car le témoignage de son épouse est ambigu et laisse planer le doute d'un crime passionnel.
Headlines of Destruction, 1h37
Directed by John Berry, Jacques Nahum
Origin France
Genres Crime
Themes Films about writers, Films about journalists
Actors Eddie Constantine, Bella Darvi, Olivier Hussenot, Walter Chiari, Albert Rémy, Robert Lombard
Roles Marianne Colas
Rating61% 3.0913453.0913453.0913453.0913453.091345
Barney Morgan (Eddie Constantine) is a reporter who works for a French journal. His editor-in-chief Rupert finds his lover Alice murdered. His boss is the main suspect but Barney doesn't believe his boss could possibly be a murderer. Subsequently he tries to prove the man's innocence.
The Racers
The Racers (1955)
, 1h52
Directed by Henry Hathaway
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Sports films, Transport films, Films about automobiles, Auto racing films, Road movies, Children's films
Actors Kirk Douglas, Bella Darvi, Gilbert Roland, Cesar Romero, Lee J. Cobb, Katy Jurado
Roles Nicole
Rating54% 2.709682.709682.709682.709682.70968
Race-car driver Gino Borgesa meets a ballerina, Nicole Laurent, whose pet poodle causes a crash at the track. She persuades an ex-lover to give Gino money for a new car. They begin a romance, although Gino warns her that his racing comes first.
The Egyptian, 2h19
Directed by Michael Curtiz
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Historical, Peplum
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about religion, Children's films
Actors Jean Simmons, Victor Mature, Gene Tierney, Michael Wilding, Edmund Purdom, John Carradine
Roles Nefer
Rating64% 3.247463.247463.247463.247463.24746
The Egyptian tells the story of Sinuhe (Edmund Purdom), a struggling physician in 18th dynasty Egypt (14th Century BC.) who is thrown by chance into contact with the pharaoh Akhnaton (Michael Wilding). He rises to and falls from great prosperity, wanders the world, and becomes increasingly drawn towards a new religion spreading throughout Egypt. His companions throughout are his lover, a shy tavern maid named Merit (Jean Simmons), and his corrupt but likable servant, Kaptah (Peter Ustinov).
Hell and High Water, 1h43
Directed by Samuel Fuller
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes Spy films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Political films, Children's films
Actors Richard Widmark, Bella Darvi, Victor Francen, Cameron Mitchell, Gene Evans, David Wayne
Roles Denise Montel
Rating61% 3.050833.050833.050833.050833.05083
In 1953, renowned French scientist Professor Montel (Victor Francen) goes missing. The authorities believe that he and four other scientists defected behind the Iron Curtain.