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Mario Serandrei is a Director, Scriptwriter, Editor and Mixing Engineer Italien born on 23 may 1907

Mario Serandrei

Mario Serandrei
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Nationality Italie
Birth 23 may 1907
Death 17 april 1966 (at 58 years)

Mario Serandrei est un chef monteur italien, né à Naples le 23 mai 1907, mort à Rome le 17 avril 1966. Il fut occasionnellement assistant réalisateur et scénariste.


Mario Serandrei débute en 1931 comme assistant réalisateur et scénariste sur Corte d'Assise, et travaille épisodiquement dans ces deux fonctions jusqu'en 1960, mais, à partir de 1939 et jusqu'à sa mort, il fait l'essentiel de sa carrière comme monteur collaborant, entre autres avec Mario Bava, Valerio Zurlini, Francesco Rosi et surtout Luchino Visconti.

Best films

Sodom and Gomorrah (1962)
Hercules (1958)
The Giant of Marathon (1959)
Hercules Unchained (1959)
The Leopard (1963)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)

Usually with

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Filmography of Mario Serandrei (162 films)

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Days of Glory, 1h11
Directed by Giuseppe De Santis, Luchino Visconti, Marcello Pagliero, Mario Serandrei
Genres Documentary
Rating65% 3.27083.27083.27083.27083.2708
Le film relate certains événements liés à la Résistance italienne durant la période de septembre 1943 au printemps de 1945. Visconti a tourné le document sur le procès et l'exécution du SS Pietro Koch et du collaborateur Pietro Caruso (durant lequel Carretta, un témoin, ancien directeur de la prison de Regina Cœli, fut lynché), tandis que Pagliero a réalisé celui sur l'ouverture des Fosses Ardéatines, où furent jetés des dizaines de cadavres d'otages abattus par les Allemands.


Black Sunday, 1h27
Directed by Mario Bava
Origin Italie
Genres Fantastic, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Witches in film, Vampires in film
Actors Barbara Steele, John Richardson, Andrea Checchi, Arturo Dominici, Ivo Garrani, Antonio Pierfederici
Rating71% 3.554523.554523.554523.554523.55452
In Moldavia, in the year 1630, beautiful witch Asa Vajda (Barbara Steele) and her paramour Javuto (Arturo Dominici) are sentenced to death for sorcery by Asa's brother. Before being burned at the stake, Asa vows revenge and puts a curse on her brother's descendants. A metal mask with sharp spikes on the inside is placed over the witch's face and hammered into her flesh.
Red Shirts - Anita Garibaldi, 1h28
Directed by Goffredo Alessandrini, Nanni Loy, Francesco Rosi, Siro Marcellini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Anna Magnani, Raf Vallone, Alain Cuny, Serge Reggiani, Jacques Sernas, Carlo Ninchi
Rating61% 3.0927653.0927653.0927653.0927653.092765
1849. Venues soutenir le pape, les troupes françaises et autrichiennes mettent fin à la République de Rome. À la tête d'un groupe de volontaires, les Chemises rouges, Giuseppe Garibaldi (Raf Vallone) quitte la ville et tente de rejoindre Venise. Son épouse Anita (Anna Magnani) le suit dans son périple.
Before the Jury, 1h10
Directed by Guido Brignone
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Marcella Albani, Lia Franca, Carlo Ninchi, Renzo Ricci, Elio Steiner, Vasco Creti
Roles Writer
Rating27% 1.378581.378581.378581.378581.37858
Un riche banquier est tué par un inconnu d'un coup de pistolet dans sa villa, pendant une réception. Parmi les invités, il y a un journaliste, qui décide de mener de son côté l'enquête pour découvrir l'auteur de l'homicide.


Soldier of Fortune, 1h35
Directed by Pasquale Festa Campanile
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Action, Adventure
Actors Bud Spencer, Andréa Ferréol, Philippe Leroy, Frédéric de Pasquale, Jacques Dufilho, Marc Porel
Roles Editor
Rating61% 3.053863.053863.053863.053863.05386
In 1503 the soldier of fortune Ettore Fieramosca runs into various adventures, because he is given the task of leading a mob of bungling against the French army. In fact France has decided to conquer the city of Barletta in southern Italy, and so Ettore is forced to use brute force, rather than rely on the help of his fellow soldiers.
The Witches, 1h50
Directed by Vittorio De Sica, Mauro Bolognini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Luchino Visconti, Franco Rossi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Silvana Mangano, Annie Girardot, Alberto Sordi, Massimo Girotti, Totò, Clint Eastwood
Roles Editor
Rating60% 3.0016453.0016453.0016453.0016453.001645
The film has a strong mold satirical denounces the status of women in the sixties in Italy. Through five episodes, it is the manner in which it is considered to be the woman in modern society, that is, as a real witch.
The Witches, 31minutes
Directed by Vittorio De Sica, Mauro Bolognini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Luchino Visconti, Franco Rossi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Anthology film, Romance
Actors Annie Girardot, Totò, Ninetto Davoli, Massimo Girotti, Silvana Mangano, Clint Eastwood
Roles Editor
Rating60% 3.0016453.0016453.0016453.0016453.001645
Un vieil homme, accompagné de son grand nigaud de fils, est agenouillé devant la tombe de son épouse, morte après avoir mangé des champignons empoisonnés. Aussitôt, ils se mettent à la recherche d'une femme pour remplacer cette mère et épouse. Avant tout, ils se mettent d'accord pour qu'elle ne soit pas rousse! Au bout d'un an, ils finissent par trouver une très jolie jeune femme, sourde et muette. Pour réunir plus d'argent et améliorer leur habitation (une pauvre baraque en zone industrielle), ils organisent un faux suicide de la jeune épousée, du sommet du Colisée. Malheureusement, celle-ci glisse sur une peau de banane et meurt réellement.
The Demon
The Demon (1967)
, 1h45
Directed by Brunello Rondi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film
Actors Daliah Lavi, Frank Wolff
Roles Editor
Rating71% 3.593473.593473.593473.593473.59347
The peasant Purif is desperate because the man she loves, Antonio, is promised to another woman. After being rejected by him several times, Purif throws against him an evil eye and leaves the city...
The Battle of Algiers, 2h1
Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo
Origin Algerie
Genres Drama, War, Documentary, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, French war films, La colonisation française, Films about religion, Films about terrorism, Algerian War films, Political films, Films about Islam, Histoire de France
Actors Jean Martin, Brahim Haggiag, Rouiched, Larbi Zekkal
Roles Editor
Rating80% 4.0485154.0485154.0485154.0485154.048515
En 1954 à Alger, le Front de libération nationale (FLN) diffuse son premier communiqué : son but est l'indépendance nationale vis-à-vis de la France, et la restauration de l'État algérien. Ali la Pointe propose des parties de bonneteau. Repéré par la police, il s'enfuit mais se fait agresser par un passant, il réplique et se fait tabasser par le reste du groupe. Rattrapé par la police, il se fait arrêter. Emprisonné, il assiste par la fenêtre de sa cellule à l'exécution d'une peine de mort par guillotine sur un nationaliste. Le FLN le contacte.
The Man Who Laughs, 1h28
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Jean Sorel, Lisa Gastoni, Ilaria Occhini, Edmund Purdom, Pierre Clémenti, Linda Sini
Roles Editor
Rating46% 2.3072452.3072452.3072452.3072452.307245
In this version, the character of Gwynplaine is renamed Angelo (played by Jean Sorel). His disfigurement is represented as a single broad slash across his mouth, crude yet convincing. While he deals with this, he also falls for a beautiful girl named Dea. The story (which is attributed, in the movie credits, to the director, producer and others involved in making the film, but not to Victor Hugo) pits the disfigured acrobat against the henchmen of the Borgias. At the end, Dea miraculously acquires her eyesight and Angelo undergoes surgery that completely reverses his disfigurement and renders him perfectly handsome.
The Moment of Truth, 1h50
Directed by Francesco Rosi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Films about animals, Sports films, Bullfighting films
Actors Linda Christian
Roles Editor
Rating71% 3.589843.589843.589843.589843.58984
Miguel leaves the countryside because he doesn't want to become a poor farmer like his father. In the big city he tries everything to make it but accomplishes nothing until he becomes a bullfighter.
Sandra (1965)
, 1h45
Directed by Luchino Visconti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War
Themes Films about families, Films about religion, Films about sexuality, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Michael Craig, Claudia Cardinale, Jean Sorel, Renzo Ricci, Fred Williams, Marie Bell
Roles Editor
Rating71% 3.5915753.5915753.5915753.5915753.591575
Visconti's retelling of the Electra story starts with Sandra/Electra (Claudia Cardinale) returning to her ancestral home in Italy - and reviving an intimate involvement with her brother (Sorel) which troubles her naive husband (Michael Craig) - on the eve of an official ceremony commemorating the death of her Jewish father in a Nazi concentration camp. As ever with Visconti, he is ambivalently drawn to the decadent society he is ostensibly criticising; and Armando Nannuzzi's camera lovingly caresses the creaking old mansion, set in a landscape of crumbling ruins, where the incestuous siblings determine to wreak revenge on the mother (Bell) and stepfather (Ricci) who supposedly denounced their father.
The Ape Woman, 1h40
Directed by Marco Ferreri
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Ugo Tognazzi, Annie Girardot, Achille Majeroni
Roles Editor
Rating72% 3.638823.638823.638823.638823.63882
Marie, the "Ape Woman" (Annie Girardot), is completely covered with hair; the entrepreneur Focaccia (Ugo Tognazzi) discovers her in a convent in Naples; he marries her (a condition imposed by the nuns) and begins exhibiting her to the public. He tries to sell her to a man who insists on her virginity, but she is a little reluctant. After tasting success in Paris, she dies during childbirth. Focaccia recovers her mummy from the museum of natural history and exhibits it in Naples.