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Veniero Colasanti is a Production Designer, Production Design and Costume Design Italien born on 21 july 1910 at Rome (Italie)

Veniero Colasanti

Veniero Colasanti
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Nationality Italie
Birth 21 july 1910 at Rome (Italie)
Death 3 june 1996 (at 85 years)

Veniero Colasanti (né le 21 juillet 1910 à Rome et mort le 3 juin 1996) est un costumier et décorateur de théâtre et de cinéma italien.


Au cinéma, à partir de 1941, Veniero Colasanti collabore à une cinquantaine de films — certains en partenariat avec son collègue américain John Moore (1928-1996) —, majoritairement italiens. S'y ajoutent de nombreuses coproductions, quelques films américains, ainsi que le film français Fort Saganne d'Alain Corneau (avec Gérard Depardieu et Philippe Noiret), sorti en 1984, son ultime contribution pour le grand écran.

Parmi ses autres films notables, mentionnons Les Derniers Jours de Pompéi de Marcel L'Herbier et Paolo Moffa (1950, avec Micheline Presle et Georges Marchal), Trapèze de Carol Reed (1956, avec Burt Lancaster, Gina Lollobrigida et Tony Curtis), Carthage en flammes de Carmine Gallone (1960, avec Anne Heywood et José Suárez), Le Cid d'Anthony Mann (1961, avec Charlton Heston et Sophia Loren), Les 55 Jours de Pékin de Nicholas Ray (1963, avec Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner et David Niven), ou encore Nina, dernier film de Vincente Minnelli (1976, avec Charles Boyer et Ingrid Bergman).

Le Cid lui vaut en 1962 une nomination à l'Oscar de la meilleure direction artistique.

Pour la télévision, entre 1958 et 1973, Veniero Colasanti contribue à trois feuilletons et à cinq téléfilms, la plupart réalisés par Vittorio Cottafavi.

Il est également connu pour son travail (avec John Moore pré-cité), dans le cadre du Festival de Salzbourg, sur les opéras Rappresentatione di anima e di corpo d'Emilio de' Cavalieri (1968 et 1973) et Der Rosenkavalier de Richard Strauss (1978 et 1979), et enfin sur le mystère Jedermann d'Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1983).

Best films

El Cid (1961)
(Set Decoration)
Fort Saganne (1984)
(Production Design)
55 Days at Peking (1963)
(Production Design)
The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964)
(Set Decoration)
Fabiola (1949)
(Set Decoration)
Beautiful But Dangerous (1955)
(Production Design)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Veniero Colasanti (26 films)

Display filmography as list


Graziella (1954)
, 1h41
Directed by Giorgio Bianchi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Maria Fiore, Jean-Pierre Mocky, Tina Pica, Elisa Cegani, Rina Morelli, Vittorio Vaser
Roles Production Designer
Rating60% 3.0438853.0438853.0438853.0438853.043885


Fort Saganne, 3h
Directed by Alain Corneau, Samuel Bronston
Origin France
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes French war films, La colonisation française, Political films, Le désert, Histoire de France
Actors Gérard Depardieu, Philippe Noiret, Catherine Deneuve, Sophie Marceau, Michel Duchaussoy, Roger Dumas
Roles Production Design
Rating62% 3.1419353.1419353.1419353.1419353.141935
In 1911, a willful and determined man from peasant stock named Charles Saganne (Gérard Depardieu) enlists in the military and is assigned to the Sahara Desert under the aristocratic Colonel Dubreuilh (Philippe Noiret). Saganne attracts the attentions of Madeleine (Sophie Marceau), the daughter of the regional administrator. In the Sahara, Saganne earns the respect of the Arabs, including Amajan, an independent warrior. After several campaigns, Saganne travels to Paris on a diplomatic mission. After having an affair with a journalist in Paris, Saganne returns to Africa, where he leads a valliant defense against Sultan Omar. He is awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, and marries Madeleine. The onset of World War I puts his success and happiness at risk.
The Fall of the Roman Empire, 3h8
Directed by Anthony Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Historical, Peplum
Themes Films set in Africa, Political films
Actors Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Alec Guinness, James Mason, Christopher Plummer, Mel Ferrer
Roles Set Decoration
Rating66% 3.3477553.3477553.3477553.3477553.347755
In the winter of 180 A.D., the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (Guinness) fights to keep Germanic barbarians from invading his northern territories on the Danube frontier. His deputies are the Greek ex-slave Timonides (Mason), a closet Christian, and the stern and honest general Gaius Livius (Boyd). Livius has close connections with the imperial family, being the lover of Aurelius' philosopher daughter Lucilla (Loren) and a friend of her brother Commodus (Plummer). Nevertheless, he is amazed to hear that Aurelius wants to make him his heir. Despite his military obligations the emperor has egalitarian ideals, dreaming of a day when Rome grants equal rights to men of all nations. He knows that he will not live to achieve this end, and trusts Livius to do so more than his charismatic but brutal son. The discovery that his father has effectively disinherited him hurts Commodus immensely, and damages the almost brotherly relationship he had enjoyed with Livius.
55 Days at Peking, 2h34
Directed by Nicholas Ray, Andrew Marton, Guy Green
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Action, Adventure, Historical
Actors Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner, David Niven, Flora Robson, Burt Kwouk, John Ireland
Roles Production Design
Rating67% 3.3521153.3521153.3521153.3521153.352115
55 Days in Peking is a dramatization of the siege of the foreign legations' compounds in Peking (now known as Beijing) during the Boxer Rebellion which took place from 1898-1900 in China. It is based on the book by Noel Gerson.
El Cid
El Cid (1961)
, 3h4
Directed by Anthony Mann
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Biography, Action, Historical, Romance
Themes Films set in Africa
Actors Charlton Heston, Sophia Loren, Raf Vallone, Geneviève Page, John Fraser, Hurd Hatfield
Roles Set Decoration
Rating71% 3.5969153.5969153.5969153.5969153.596915
General Ibn (pronounced Ben) Yusuf (Herbert Lom) of the Almoravid dynasty has summoned all the Emirs of Al-Andalus to North Africa and chastises them for their complacency in dealing with the infidels and reveals his plan for Islamic world domination.
A Farewell to Arms, 2h32
Directed by John Huston, Charles Vidor, Andrew Marton
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Themes Political films, Children's films
Actors Rock Hudson, Jennifer Jones, Vittorio De Sica, Elaine Stritch, Oskar Homolka, Mercedes McCambridge
Roles Set Decoration
Rating58% 2.9001352.9001352.9001352.9001352.900135
Frederick Henry (Rock Hudson) is an American officer serving in an ambulance unit for the Italian Army during World War I. While recovering from a wound in a British base hospital in northern Italy, he is cared for by Catherine Barkley (Jennifer Jones), a Red Cross nurse he had met earlier, near the front, and they engage in an affair. Frederick's friend, the doctor, convinces the army that Frederick's knee is more severely wounded than it actually is and the two continue their romance but never get married.
Beautiful But Dangerous, 1h47
Directed by Robert Z. Leonard
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical, Romance
Actors Gina Lollobrigida, Vittorio Gassman, Robert Alda, Anne Vernon, Tamara Lees, Mario Del Monaco
Roles Production Design
Rating59% 2.956252.956252.956252.956252.95625
Lina (Gina Lollo) was an orphan, brought up by her adopted mother getting trained for music. Her mother became sick due to heart attack on the stage, and Lina will go to the stage in place of her mother. But a group of teaser will tease her, by connecting her mother name too and will not allow to perform. From the balcony a person, the prince of Russia, Sergio (Vittorio Gassman) will come down and make the teaser group go out of the theater and asks Lina to perform. It was a very good performance, but at the end she will come to know that mother had another attack, so been send to the long distance hospital. By the night she wanted to go, but there was no way to. Sergio will offer her lift to the hospital, and on the way he will come to know each other. The prince will not tell his real identity, but will say only that he came there for horse competition in the local club, and he stays regularly Paris and he is from Russia. By reaching the hospital, she will left her hand bag in the coach, Sergio by seeing that will put enough money and his golden ring in that, and give the bag to Lina. In hurry she will enter the hospital, and will find her mother is no more.
Graziella (1954)
, 1h41
Directed by Giorgio Bianchi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Maria Fiore, Jean-Pierre Mocky, Tina Pica, Elisa Cegani, Rina Morelli, Vittorio Vaser
Roles Production Design
Rating60% 3.0438853.0438853.0438853.0438853.043885
The Shadow
The Shadow (1954)
, 1h44
Directed by Giorgio Bianchi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Märta Torén, Pierre Cressoy, Gianna Maria Canale, Emma Baron, Paolo Stoppa, Filippo Scelzo
Roles Production Design
Rating66% 3.3000353.3000353.3000353.3000353.300035
Le peintre Gerardo Landi et son épouse Alberta mènent une vie heureuse, mais la santé de la jeune femme empire. Elle devient progressivement paralysée, clouée au lit dans sa chambre. Gerardo, désespéré, recommence à profiter de la vie grâce à une amie, Elena, dont il tombe amoureux.
The Wayward Wife, 1h54
Directed by Mario Soldati
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Gina Lollobrigida, Gabriele Ferzetti, Franco Interlenghi, Nanda Primavera, Renato Baldini, Marilyn Buferd
Roles Set Decoration
Rating67% 3.3738753.3738753.3738753.3738753.373875
Après avoir blessé son amie qui la faisait chanter, une comtesse qui la forçait à se prostituer, Gemma raconte sa vie et ses désillusions à son mari.
The Mute of Portici, 1h32
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Doris Duranti, Paolo Carlini, Umberto Sacripante, Isarco Ravaioli, Anna Maria Ferrero, Marcello Mastroianni
Roles Production Design
Rating67% 3.382353.382353.382353.382353.38235
A Naples en 1647, le vice-roi imposa des impôts qui frappèrent le peuple et suscitèrent un mécontentement généralisé. Tommaso Aniello, dit Masaniello, un jeune pêcheur de Portici, fomente la rébellion et la police tente de le capturer. Il vit avec sa sœur Lucia, qui est amoureuse d'Alfonso sans savoir qu'il est le fils du vice-roi. Le fait historique de la révolte de Naples menée par Masaniello est l'occasion d'une revisitation naïvement romancée et mise en images avec une médiocrité absolue.
First Communion, 1h25
Directed by Alessandro Blasetti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Aldo Fabrizi, Gaby Morlay, Enrico Viarisio, Lucien Baroux, Jean Tissier, Carlo Romano
Roles Production Design
Rating68% 3.4087053.4087053.4087053.4087053.408705
Riche confiseur romain, M. Dupont est fier d'exhiber sa voiture neuve. Il rêve de la conduire avec, à ses côtés, la belle locataire du premier étage. L'occasion lui en est donnée par la nécessité d'aller chercher la robe de première communion de sa fille, qui n'est toujours pas livrée. Mais la ravissante voisine refuse cette offre. C'est donc seul que M. Dupont fonce dans les rues, attrape une contravention et arrive chez la couturière. Mais au moment de repartir, la voiture tombe en panne. Course aux taxis. Impossible d'en avoir un. Reste le trolleybus. Cris, bousculades, injures. Pour être plus libre de ses mouvements, il confie le paquet contenant la robe à un passant pour quelques instants. Mais la dispute terminée, le passant a disparu et la robe avec. Que faire ? C'est finalement la belle du premier qui offre une de ses robes de soirée pour y tailler la robe de communiante. Tout le monde s'affaire. Le cardinal doit arriver d'une minute à l'autre pour présider la cérémonie. M. Dupont tente vainement de retarder celle-ci. Grâce à l'adresse brodée par la couturière, la vraie robe est ramenée par le passant. Soulagement. Sonnent les cloches de ce jour de Pâques.
Fabiola (1949)
, 3h7
Directed by Sergio Leone, Alessandro Blasetti
Origin France
Genres Drama, Historical, Peplum
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about religion
Actors Michèle Morgan, Michel Simon, Henri Vidal, Elisa Cegani, Massimo Girotti, Louis Salou
Roles Set Decoration
Rating65% 3.277363.277363.277363.277363.27736
In ancient Rome a love story blossoms between Fabiola, daughter of a senator, and Rhual, a gallic gladiator. When Fabiola's father is killed, the Romans blame the Christians and the persecution begins. Rhual confesses to be a christian and is accused of the murder and sentenced to fight to death in the arena.