The film's protagonist, young Mickey Matson (Derek Brandon), discovers a map encoded upon a Petoskey stone left to him by his late Grandpa Jack (Christopher Lloyd). The adventure, taking Mickey Matson and Sully Braginton (Francesca DeRosa) from one clue to the next as they summon the courage to prevent the destruction of home and country. Plot development includes flashback scenes to the Lincoln presidential era and the Civil War.
In this end of times thriller, seven backpack nukes, code named, The Seven Wonders, have been dispatched throughout the United States by terrorists. A battle for Jerusalem has begun and Israel's main ally, America is targeted for destruction. Senior FBI Agent, Shane Daughtry (David A. R. White) and agent Eve Rearden (Anna Zielinski), must find these weapons before they can be detonated. Time is of the essence, useful information is coming from Arlin Rockwell (Lee Majors), a dysfunctional arms dealer who smuggled the weapons, Jackson (Stacy Keach), a retired FBI agent, and Jack Thompson (Randy Travis), a rigid CIA Deputy Director,against an Russian-Iranian terrorist group known as The Revolution of God who put the nuclear attack plan into motion. The anti -Israeli group under the command of Matthew dean and a private transporter named Javad(Marco Khan).