Aardman Animations, Ltd., also known as Aardman Studios, or simply as Aardman, is a British animation studio based in Bristol. Aardman is known for films made using stop-motion clay animation techniques, particularly those featuring Plasticine characters Wallace and Gromit. After some experimental computer animated short films during the late 1990s, beginning with Owzat (1997), it entered the computer animation market with Flushed Away (2006). Aardman films have made $969 million worldwide and average $161 million per film. All of their stop motion films are among the highest-grossing stop-motion films, with their debut, Chicken Run, being their top-grossing film as well as the highest-grossing stop-motion film of all time.
Imdb explains the synopsis: "What could possibly tempt the tastebuds of an anthropomorphized bull and his tiny duck-like friend? A severed hand! Dee-lish! But be careful - we've heard that baked hand causes heartburn!"
The film features two anonymous Scottish-accented Shadow Puppets (voiced by Jack Docherty and Moray Hunter) who are sitting around a table with nothing to do. They explore and reject several options including watching television (the only thing on is 'some weird animation thing'), listening to the radio (but 'it's all the same rubbish these days' - in this case La Cucaracha) and playing chess (the white pieces have been eaten due to a bet). This is briefly interrupted when the doorbell rings and one character answers it to find a pesky dog (who is, in fact, a double-glazing salesman) before the other persuades him to enter into a game of shadow puppets. The first character is frustrated by his acquaintance's appalling representation of a cow and later his failure to recognise a rather fantastic rabbit (His misled guesses include a 'fireman chasing an igloo' and an 'Otter with two sausage strapped to his head'). After an amusing outburst from the poor fellow, his annoying partner accuses him of being 'shirty'. This leads him to explode, furiously crying "I'm stuck indoors playing 'Guess the misshapen beast' with someone who clearly wouldn't recognise a rabbit if it came to his house for tea, said 'What's up Doc?' and started burrowing into his head! There are blind people with no fingers who are better at shadow puppets than you! No wonder I'm a tad miffed!" An awkward silence follows this, until the doorbell rings and the first character goes to answer it, and finds the second character's 'cow' shadow puppet, which moos. Despite being disappointed with being wrong about a cow's appearance, he simply responds to this with a cheery "Not today, thank you." and closes the door in front of the camera, thus ending the animation.
Imdb explains "A punctilious waiter at the Steak Barn is taken aback when a diner orders the vegetarian option. Regardless of how glistening and sharp the restaurant's knives, how large the type of the menu's meat dishes, how baleful the Italian's eye when he takes the order, and how argumentative the cook, the customer steadfastly awaits crudités. Who could this naif be?"
IMDb explains: "It's Ghosts vs. Skeletons one night in a churchyard cricket match. At the outset, it appears that the Ghosts' pitcher will best all of the Skeleton's batters. That is until one dandy steps up to bat and practically lays waste to the entire churchyard."
Wallace et Gromit, devenus laveurs de carreaux de vitres et de fenêtres, rencontrent Gwendoline Culdebelier, une vendeuse de pelotes de laine. Celle-ci est accompagnée en permanence par un chien d'aspect féroce, Preston. Pendant ce temps, dans la région, les vols de moutons se multiplient. Gromit, accusé à tort, tentera de prouver son innocence...
In a Medieval castle, a marauder tries to kidnap the twin infant sons of the lord. He makes off with only one, whom he drops about a mile away. A pig rescues this baby, so one brother grows up high on the hog, the other down with the swine. One being lazy, another industrious. Years later, when a neighboring prince declares war, the brother in the castle is too soft to fight. The twins are united just before the final battle.
The film begins at 62 West Wallaby Street on Gromit's birthday at breakfast. After being tipped out of bed and dressed using several mechanical contraptions, Wallace is greeted with a large pile of bills. Wallace remembers Gromit's birthday and presents Gromit with a somewhat unwelcome gift of a spiked dog collar, and a second present of a pair of ex-NASA robotic "Techno Trousers", acquired by Wallace to alleviate the burden of taking Gromit for walks. While Gromit is out on a "walk", Wallace realizes they are in financial difficulty and decides to let the spare bedroom out. He is answered by an inscrutable-looking penguin named Feathers McGraw. The penguin comes to stay at the house, pushing Gromit out of his comfortable bedroom and keeping him awake at night with loud music. On the other hand, Wallace takes a liking to him. Feathers also takes an interest in the Techno Trousers after seeing Gromit use their suction feet to walk on the ceiling.
Imdb explains the plot: "A young man is in love with an image in a picture frame. To find out if the love he feels is returned he picks a flower and starts picking the petals off it."
The film is a "spoof of the creation of life". Adam is a man who is created by the Hand of God and is put on this lonely planet. He does silly acts and does all sorts of strange things. When God realizes that Adam is lonely, he makes Adam a friend. Adam, expecting it to be Eve, gets himself ready as if for a date only to find out his new friend is a penguin.
As Wallace and Gromit relax at home, wondering where to go on vacation during the upcoming bank holiday, Wallace decides to fix a snack of tea and crackers with cheese. Finding no cheese in the kitchen, he decides that the pair should go to a place known for its cheese. A glance out the window at the night sky gives them the idea to travel to the moon, since, according to Wallace, "everybody knows the moon's made of cheese." They build a rocket in the basement and pack for the trip, but after lighting the fuse, Wallace realizes that he has forgotten to bring any crackers. Hurrying to the kitchen, he grabs several boxes and returns to the rocket just in time for liftoff.
Imdb explains: "This short animated piece uses a real interview as its soundtrack. Bill Perry relates stories about his youth, his tilted house, and adventures during WWII in Bristol, England during the blitz."