Aardman Animations, Ltd., also known as Aardman Studios, or simply as Aardman, is a British animation studio based in Bristol. Aardman is known for films made using stop-motion clay animation techniques, particularly those featuring Plasticine characters Wallace and Gromit. After some experimental computer animated short films during the late 1990s, beginning with Owzat (1997), it entered the computer animation market with Flushed Away (2006). Aardman films have made $969 million worldwide and average $161 million per film. All of their stop motion films are among the highest-grossing stop-motion films, with their debut, Chicken Run, being their top-grossing film as well as the highest-grossing stop-motion film of all time.
Quand Lu-La, une extra-terrestre bleuâtre à la vague apparence d'un lapin, espiègle et adorable mais dotée de pouvoirs incroyables atterrit près de de la ferme de Shaun le mouton, ce dernier trouve rapidement une occasion de divertissements et d'aventure. Shaun, le chien Bitzer et tout le troupeau de « Mossy Bottom Farm » doivent aider Lu-La à repartir vers sa planète. Mais c'est sans compter sur une sinistre organisation qui veut la capturer. Que pourront-ils faire avant qu'il ne soit trop tard?
Durant la Préhistoire, quand les dinosaures et les mammouths parcouraient encore la terre, un homme des cavernes courageux, Doug, et son meilleur ami Hognob (Crochon en français) s’unissent pour sauver leur tribu d’un puissant ennemi.
Shaun, a mischievous sheep living with his flock at Mossy Bottom Farm, is bored with the routine of life on the farm, he concocts a plan to have a day away, by tricking the farmer into going back to sleep by counting the sheep repeatedly. However, the caravan in which they put the farmer to bed accidentally rolls away, taking him the entire way into the city. Bitzer, the farmer's dog, goes after him, ordering the sheep to stay on the farm until he returns.
Sphere "involved asking members of the general public for their views on the technologies being developed in a project called SPHERE (Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment), and what the outcomes might mean for them". As a result, "The creatures within the animation voiced opinions which reflected public reaction to SPHERE".
In 1837, the Pirate Captain (Hugh Grant), inexpert in the ways of pirates, leads a close-knit, rag-tag group of amateur pirates who are trying to make a name for themselves on the high seas. To prove himself and his crew, the Pirate Captain enters the Pirate of the Year competition, with the winner being whoever can plunder the most. After several failed attempts to plunder mundane ships, the Pirate Captain talks with his best friend and first mate, the Pirate with a Scarf (Martin Freeman), about giving up and selling baby clothes as a living, but is convinced to try boarding the next ship they find, which happens to be the Beagle. They find no treasure but succeed in capturing Charles Darwin (David Tennant). Darwin recognizes the crew's pet Polly as the last living dodo, and implores the Pirate Captain to enter it into the Scientist of the Year competition at the Royal Society in London for a valuable prize. The Pirate Captain directs his ship to London. The Pirates disguise themselves as Girl Scouts, so that they don't get caught and executed, as Queen Victoria has a strong hatred of Pirates.
Musical Marvels features new animated footage of Wallace and Gromit that are shown between the orchestral pieces. The animated scenes are made to interact with the conductor on stage through an invention called a Maestromatic. This is a conductor's stand with a plate of cheese and crackers and a chute which receives letters and compositions from Wallace, who is said to be below the concert hall. A new musical composition by Wallace is slated to be played by the end of the night, called "My Concerto in Ee, Lad". Wallace invented a mechanized petrol powered piano called the pianomatic to play the tune, but the invention backfired on itself and the piano, along with his concerto, was destroyed. Gromit ended up saving the night by composing his own musical piece, "A Double Concerto for Violin and Dog", which he played on a priceless Stradivarius violin found below the concert hall over the monitor with English classical violinist Tasmin Little. In the end, Wallace congratulates Gromit for a job well done, gives him a bouquet of flowers from a mechanized flower dispenser, and sits down on the Stradivarius violin.
On Christmas Eve, hundreds of Christmas elves helm the command centre of Santa Claus's mile-wide, ultra–high-tech sleigh-esque craft, the S-1. The current Santa: Malcolm and the Christmas elves deliver presents to every child in the world using advanced equipment and military precision. These complex operations are micromanaged by Malcolm's oldest son Steve and his obsequious elfin assistant Peter (among thousands of more elves) at mission control underneath the North Pole, while Steve's clumsy and panophobic younger brother Arthur answers the letters to Santa. During a delivery operation, when a child wakes up and almost sees Malcolm, a Christmas elf back in the S-1 inadvertently presses a button, causing a present to fall off a conveyor and go unnoticed.
Marketing Week explains "The film features Dot, a tiny 9mm girl who wakes up in a magical, magnified world to discover her surroundings are caving in around her."
Baker Bob is bludgeoned to death with his own rolling pin by an unseen assailant while baking a cake; he is the latest of twelve bakers to be killed. Meanwhile, Wallace (Peter Sallis) and Gromit are running a "Dough to Door" delivery service from their bakery "Top Bun". On one such delivery, the duo save Piella Bakewell (Sally Lindsay), a former pin-up girl mascot for the Bake-O-Lite bread company, and her miniature poodle, Fluffles, when the brakes on her bike appear to fail. They drive alongside so Wallace can attempt to use pastries to stop, but they careen into a zoo and barely escape being eaten by a crocodile. Gromit tests the bicycle brakes and becomes suspicious on learning that the brakes work perfectly fine, but Wallace becomes smitten with Piella.
Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) is a decidedly upper crust pet rat who makes his home in a posh Kensington flat. While his owners are away on holiday Roddy plays around the house. A common sewer rat named Sid (Shane Richie) comes spewing out of the sink and decides to stay, especially as England are playing against Germany in the World Cup final. Roddy schemes to get rid of Sid by luring him into the "jacuzzi", which is actually the toilet. Sid isn't fooled at all and instead pushes Roddy in and flushes him away into the sewer. There, Roddy discovers a city resembling London made out of various bits of junk, and meets Rita Malone (Kate Winslet), an enterprising scavenger rat who works the drains in her faithful boat, the Jammy Dodger. Rita does not like Roddy initially, but ends up taking him along, while her arch enemy The Toad (Ian McKellen) sends his rat henchmen, Spike (Andy Serkis) and Whitey (Bill Nighy), after her because she had stolen back her father's prized ruby a long time ago. The Toad despises all rodents to the point of hateful obsession. He plans to have them frozen with liquid nitrogen inside an icemaker. The pair escape, and Rita takes a unique electrical cable that, unknown to everyone but the Toad, is required to control the floodgates.
Tottington Hall's annual Giant Vegetable Competition is approaching. The winner of the competition will win the coveted Golden Carrot Award. All are eager to protect their vegetables from damage and thievery by rabbits until the contest, and Wallace and Gromit are cashing in by running a vegetable security and humane pest control business, "Anti-Pesto".
Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy run a failing chicken farm in Yorkshire; the chickens are caged in the style of a prison camp with a high fence and barbed wire, with two dogs that patrol the grounds. As their chickens are producing fewer eggs, Mrs. Tweedy comes up with the idea of converting their product from eggs to chicken pies, and orders a large automatic pie maker.