The American Film Manufacturing Company, also known as Flying "A" Studios, was an American motion picture production company. In 1915, the formal name was changed to the American Film Company.
Le révérend Fitzgerald Doolittle et sa femme sont mutés à Lone Gulch. À leur arrivée, les cowboys leur réservent un accueil des plus cordiaux. Mais bien vite, l'alcool coulant à flots, ils se retrouvent en état d'ébriété avancé. Aussitôt, le pasteur se met en devoir de prononcer un sermon contre l'intempérance…
The prologue, in the serial's first episode, "A Heritage of Hate", depicts the finding of “The Diamond From the Sky” which later becomes the heirloom of the Stanley family, while the two reels of the first chapter show the intense rivalry between Colonel Arthur Stanley and Judge Lamar Stanley, Virginia aristocrats and descendants of Lord Arthur Stanley, two hundred years later.