Shanghai Animation Film Studio (simplified Chinese: 上海美术电影制片厂; traditional Chinese: 上海美術電影製片廠; pinyin: Shàng Hǎi Měi Shù Diàn Yǐng Zhì Piān Chǎng) also known as SAFS (simplified Chinese: 美影厂; traditional Chinese: 美影廠; pinyin: Měi Yǐng Chǎng) a part of Shanghai Film Group Corporation was founded in April 1957 in Shanghai, which is one of the oldest animation studio in China. It has produced mostly 500 films with over 40,000 minutes of original animation data source which covers 80% of domestic animation production in China. It has the title of “the most valuable repository of animation in China". It was probably the only animation studio in Chairman Mao's China and produced numerous classic animated films that are still popular today.
SAFS film were produced in various art forms with Chinese characteristics that has a rich and profound traditional Chinese culture, including Jianzhi, Shuimohua, Puppetoon, Zhezhi (also known as origami), Shadow puppetry, etc. It also had several international cooperations with various studio around world.
Chinese people born after 1950 had all grown up with animations produced by SAFS. It has become an essential part of childhood memory of all generations after 1950s.
Une grenouille pond des œufs dans l'eau. Lorsque les têtards viennent au monde, leur mère est absente, et ils partent alors à sa recherche. Mais ils ne l'ont jamais vue, ce qui ne leur facilite pas la tâche. Ils croisent plusieurs animaux de la mare, des poussins, une tortue, un poisson-chat, etc. qu'ils prennent toujours pour leur maman : les animaux de la mare les guident en leur décrivant peu à peu à quoi ressemble leur maman, jusqu'au moment où ils retrouvent finalement leur mère grenouille. Ils se rendent alors compte avec surprise que les grenouilles adultes n'ont pas tout à fait le même aspect que les têtards.
Un vieux musicien traverse une rivière sur la barque d'une jeune fille qui joue de la flûte. En abordant sur l'autre rive, le vieil homme est pris d'un malaise. La jeune fille l'emmène chez lui pour le soigner. Pour le remercier de son aide, le musicien, une fois guéri, lui apprend à jouer de l'instrument qu'il transporte avec lui, un guqin. Tous deux deviennent amis, jusqu'au moment du départ du vieil homme, qui offre son instrument en cadeau à son hôte avant de s'en aller au loin.
The film is an adaptation of a story in Chinese mythology (in particular, the epic fantasy novel Fengshen Bang) about the warrior deity Nezha, who became a student of the immortal Taiyi Zhenren. The main part of the story revolves around Nezha's feud with Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, whom he angers through the killing of Ao Bing, Ao Guang's third son. Through bravery and wit, Nezha finally breaks into the Dragon King's underwater palace and successfully defeats him.
L'intrigue du film adapte assez fidèlement les premiers chapitres de La Pérégrination vers l'Ouest. Le roi des singes, Sun Wukong, se rebelle contre l'Empereur de jade du monde céleste. Le film est structuré en deux parties.
In a cold winter, mother rabbit was going to look for some carrots outside the house. In case her child would feel lonely, she made a snowman for him, which was fabulous. The snowman started to move the moment she left. He had a great time with the little rabbit. But it was getting colder and colder, thus forcing the baby rabbit to go home and make a fire so as to get warm. Unfortunately, he fell asleep and his quilt fell on the floor, leaving the house in fire. The snowman saw this and rushed into the room without hesitation. Finally, he rescued his friend—the little rabbit at the cost of his own life. When the mother rabbit returned, she was relieved to find that her child was safe and sound, but the lovely snowkid disappeared forever.