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Studiocanal participated in 513 films (as a production or realisation company).
Among thoses, 144 have good markets following the box office.

Here are the best films classified by number of entries :


Lock Up
Lock Up (1989)
, 1h49
Directed by John Flynn
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Crime
Themes Prison films
Actors Sylvester Stallone, Donald Sutherland, John Amos, Darlanne Fluegel, Frank McRae, Sonny Landham

Frank Leone, a skilled mechanic and football player in Hoboken, New Jersey, is a model prisoner nearing the end of his sentence in Norwood, a low security prison. He occasionally spends time outside prison in his garage fixing cars, playing football and spending time with his girlfriend Melissa.


Mulholland Drive, 2h26
Directed by David Lynch
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Crime, Romance
Themes Assassinat, Films about films, Les fantasmes, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, Films about suicide, Films about television, Bisexuality-related films, LGBT-related films, Films about psychiatry, Films about disabilities, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Justin Theroux, Ann Miller, Robert Forster, Brent Briscoe

The story may not be linear and exhibits several instances of temporal disruption. A dark-haired woman (Harring) escapes her own murder, surviving a car accident on Mulholland Drive. Injured and in shock, she descends into Los Angeles and sneaks into an apartment which an older, red-headed woman has just vacated. An aspiring actress named Betty Elms (Watts) arrives at the same apartment and finds the dark-haired woman confused, not knowing her own name. The dark-haired woman assumes the name "Rita" after seeing a poster for the film Gilda (1946), starring Rita Hayworth. To help Rita remember her identity, Betty looks in Rita's purse, where she finds a large amount of money and an unusual blue key.
The Bling Ring, 1h20
Directed by Sofia Coppola
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Crime
Actors Emma Watson, Kirsten Dunst, Leslie Mann, Israel Broussard, Katie Chang, Taissa Farmiga

Quiet teenager Marc Hall (Israel Broussard) arrives as a new student at Indian Hills High School in Agoura Hills, California. He is befriended by fame-obsessed Rebecca Ahn (Katie Chang). While at a party at Rebecca's house, the pair check unlocked vehicles on the street, taking valuables such as cash and credit cards.
Frost/Nixon, 2h2
Directed by Ron Howard
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Théâtre, Transport films, Political films, Films based on plays
Actors Frank Langella, Michael Sheen, Kevin Bacon, Rebecca Hall, Toby Jones, Matthew Macfadyen

A series of news reports document the role of Richard Nixon in the 1972 Watergate scandal, prior to his 1974 resignation speech. Meanwhile, David Frost has finished recording an episode of his talk show in Australia and watches on television as Nixon leaves the White House.
Look at Me
Look at Me (2004)
, 1h50
Directed by Agnès Jaoui
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about classical music and musicians
Actors Marilou Berry, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Agnès Jaoui, Virginie Desarnauts, Laurent Grévill, Grégoire Oestermann

The protagonist, Lolita Cassard, lacks confidence and self-esteem because she doesn't look like the women who fill the pages of fashion magazines. Her father, Étienne Cassard, is a respected novelist, but rarely considers the feelings of others, only thinking of himself and worrying about aging. Pierre Millet, a younger writer, doubts he will ever be successful. Meanwhile, Sylvia Millet, a singing teacher, believes in her husband's talent, but doubts her own and that of her student, Lolita. When Sylvia discovers that Lolita is the daughter of Étienne, an author whom she admires, she befriends Lolita in order to gain access to Étienne for her husband's sake. Lolita does not believe or see that Sylvia is just another person being generous to her because her father is famous. She begins to confide in Sylvia about her father, love life, and self-confidence issues. Sylvia surprisingly takes a liking to Lolita and begins to see Étienne for the man he really is. Throughout the film Sébastien, a young journalist, befriends Lolita. He is the only one with pure intents, even after he finds out who her father is. He takes a liking to Lolita, but she refuses to show any interests and is only infatuated with another boy, Mathieu. Mathieu is everything Sébastien is not. Mathieu only has interest for Lolita because of her father and mistreats her. Lolita casts all of these same behaviors on Sébastien and does not realize that he truly does like her for herself. After a crazy weekend at Étienne's cottage, Sylvia leaves Pierre because he has become just like Étienne, Lolita goes after Sébastien because she realizes he has honest intentions, and Étienne is repeatedly reminded that he is an indifferent father to Lolita.


The Howling, 1h31
Directed by Joe Dante
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Wolves in film, Werewolves in film, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Dee Wallace, Patrick Macnee, Dennis Dugan, Christopher Stone, Belinda Balaski, Robert Picardo

Karen White (Dee Wallace) is a Los Angeles television news anchor who is being stalked by a serial murderer named Eddie Quist (Robert Picardo). In cooperation with the police, she takes part in a scheme to capture Eddie by agreeing to meet him in a sleazy porno theater. Eddie forces Karen to watch a video of a young woman being raped, and when Karen turns around to see Eddie she screams. The police enter and shoot Eddie, and although Karen is safe, she suffers amnesia. Her therapist, Dr. George Waggner (Patrick Macnee), decides to send her and her husband, Bill Neill (Christopher Stone), to the "Colony", a secluded resort in the countryside where he sends patients for treatment.


Chinese Puzzle, 1h54
Directed by Cédric Klapisch
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Romain Duris, Kelly Reilly, Sandrine Holt, Audrey Tautou, Cécile de France, Kevin Bishop

Xavier is now forty years old and divorced from Wendy. When she decides to move to New York with their two children, he wants to remain part of their lives and so moves to the city as well.


Fear City: A Family-Style Comedy, 1h33
Directed by Alain Berberian
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about films, La provence, Serial killer films
Actors Alain Chabat, Gérard Darmon, Chantal Lauby, Dominique Farrugia, Chantal Lauby, Sam Karmann

Odile Deray (Lauby) is the publicist for the slasher movie Red is Dead, which features a serial killer whose weapons of choice are the hammer and sickle. She is invited to the Cannes film festival, where she is faced with the unanimous opinion that the movie is extremely bad. However, Red is Dead soon attracts the public attention when its projectionist is murdered by what seems to be a copycat of the movie's killer. Ecstatic, Odile brings the movie's intellectually disabled star Simon Jérémi (Farrugia) to the festival and hires bodyguard and self-proclaimed womanizer Serge Karamazov (Chabat) to protect them. One by one, all the projectionists assigned to the movie are murdered, keeping Red is Dead in the spotlight. Meanwhile, detective Patrick Bialès (Darmon) investigates on the murders and starts a romantic relationship with Odile.
Raw Deal
Raw Deal (1986)
, 1h46
Directed by John Irvin
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Action, Crime
Themes Mafia films, Gangster films
Actors Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrold, Darren McGavin, Sam Wanamaker, Paul Shenar, Steven Hill

On December 16, 1985, in a remote wooded cabin, a mob informant is under protection by the FBI. They are ambushed by a hit squad who brutally slaughter the bodyguards and the witness. One of the agents killed is Blair Shannon, son of FBI Chief Harry Shannon (Darren McGavin), who vows revenge.


My Piece of the Pie, 1h49
Directed by Cédric Klapisch
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about families, Films about the labor movement, La précarité
Actors Karin Viard, Gilles Lellouche, Audrey Lamy, Zinedine Soualem, Jean-Pierre Martins, Fred Ulysse

Filmed in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, and exploring themes of globalization, class distinctions and income inequality, the film opens in the French seaside town of Dunkirk. France (Karin Viard), a middle-aged divorcée, has just been laid off after 20 years at the same shipping company. She takes an overdose of pills but is rushed to hospital and makes a complete recovery. Desperate for employment to support her three children, she moves to Paris where she connects with Ahmed (Zinedine Soualem), the father of a former co-worker. France pretends to be a low-skilled immigrant to find menial work, but is then offered the chance to be the housekeeper for Stéphane Delarue (Gilles Lellouche), a wealthy French banker who has returned to Paris after 10 years in London.
Change of Plans, 1h35
Directed by Danièle Thompson
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about cancer
Actors Karin Viard, Dany Boon, Marina Foïs, Patrick Bruel, Emmanuelle Seigner, Christopher Thompson

Un 21 juin, à Paris. Comme tous les ans, un groupe d'amis se retrouve lors d'un dîner, le jour de la Fête de la musique. Piotr, le mari de Marie-Laurence Claverne, une avocate débordée spécialisée dans le divorce, étant en congé sabbatique, est donc chargé d'organiser ce dîner. Hélas le repas ne se passe pas aussi bien que d'habitude, puisque le code a changé ; fini celui de la dictature de l'apparence, avec son lot de cordialité, d'hypocrisie et de fausse bonne humeur, qui cachait les angoisses sous l'humour et étouffait les chagrins avec des éclats de rire. L'avocat réputé Lucas Mattei se dispute avec sa femme Sarah. La gynécologue Mélanie Carcassonne décide que c'est le moment idéal pour avouer à son cancérologue de mari Alain sa liaison extra-conjugale avec un jockey. Juliette, la sœur de Marie-Laurence, vient avec un invité surprise, son nouveau compagnon Erwann, de trente ans son aîné. L'arrivée d'Henri, le père de Juliette et Marie-Laurence, est un bouleversement de plus, car lui et Juliette ne se parlent plus depuis deux ans.


Barbecue (2014)
, 1h38
Directed by Éric Lavaine
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Medical-themed films
Actors Lambert Wilson, Franck Dubosc, Florence Foresti, Guillaume de Tonquédec, Lionel Abelanski, Jérôme Commandeur

À Lyon, Antoine Chevallier cinquante ans, travaille dans l'entreprise de son père. Il ne fume pas et a des activités sportives. Il est marié à Véronique « Véro » médecin. Ils ont un fils : Hugo. Antoine a fait ses études à Sup de Co, où il a rencontré ses amis : Yves, Laurent, Olivia et Baptiste. Ils y ont également rencontré Jean-Michel « Jean-Mich », qui travaillait au restaurant universitaire. Olivia et Baptiste se sont mariés et ont deux enfants. Jean-Mich est garagiste à Midas. Laurent est devenu agent immobilier et est marié à Nathalie. Ils n'ont pas d'enfant. Laurent a acheté des biens immobiliers à La Mulatière en spéculant sur l'augmentation de leur valeur par l'extension de la ligne du tramway. Yves a épousé Laure. Ils ont un fils : Guillaume. Olivia a quitté Baptiste, qui a sombré dans la dépression et est hébergé provisoirement par Antoine et Véro. Antoine est toujours attiré par les femmes de 25 ans et trompe Véro sans scrupule. Antoine, Jean-Mich, Yves, Laurent, Olivia et Baptiste sont des fervents supporteurs de l'OL.


RRRrrrr!!! (2004)
, 1h38
Directed by Alain Chabat
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes La préhistoire
Actors Marina Foïs, Gérard Depardieu, Maurice Barthélemy, Jean-Paul Rouve, Alain Chabat, Jean Rochefort

Il y a 35 000 ans, à l'âge de pierre, deux tribus voisines vivaient en paix… à un cheveu près. Pendant que la tribu des Cheveux Propres coulait des jours paisibles en gardant pour elle seule le secret de la formule du shampooing, la tribu des Cheveux Sales se lamentait.
The Best Job in the World, 1h45
Directed by Gérard Lauzier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes L'adolescence, La banlieue française, Films about education, Films about children, Films about the labor movement, L'enseignement secondaire en France
Actors Gérard Depardieu, Michèle Laroque, Élodie Fontan, Ticky Holgado, Souad Amidou, Guy Marchand

Laurent Monier est professeur agrégé d'histoire au lycée Fénelon d'Annecy. Le jour de ses 40 ans, il rentre dans son appartement plongé dans le noir ; il ignore que sa femme, ses enfants, sa belle-mère et ses amis sont en réalité dissimulés dans l'obscurité, n'attendant que le bon moment pour lui faire une surprise. Mais avant que son épouse n'ait pu rallumer la lumière, Monier décroche le téléphone et se croyant seul, bavarde avec l'appelant que l'on devine être sa maîtresse. Hélène, sa femme, rallume alors la lumière et s'enfuit dans sa chambre, alors même que leur jeune fils enclenche innocemment une cassette audio diffusant une chanson de joyeux anniversaire. Monier découvre le désastre sous l'œil narquois de son inénarrable belle-mère et de ses amis, qui ne savent plus où se mettre. Le couple divorce. Hélène étant nommée dans un lycée parisien, Laurent demande également sa mutation afin de rester près de ses enfants. Il se retrouve au collège Serge-Gainsbourg à Saint-Denis, établissement dit « sensible ». Dans ce collège, on l'affecte à la classe réputée la plus dissipée et indisciplinée de l'établissement, la 4e Techno. L'appartement de fonction qui lui est alloué, auparavant occupé par un professeur dépressif, se trouve dans la Cité des Mûriers, considérée comme la plus dure et violente des environs.
Don't Worry, I'm Fine, 1h40
Directed by Philippe Lioret
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films about families, Medical-themed films, Films about psychiatry, Films set in psychiatric hospitals, Jumeaux ou jumelles
Actors Mélanie Laurent, Kad Merad, Julien Boisselier, Aïssa Maïga, Isabelle Renauld, Simon Buret

Lili, a 19-year-old, returns from holidays and learns that her twin brother Loïc has left the house after a violent argument with their father. Lili had a very strong relationship with her brother and is distraught after having no contact with him at all, concluding that something happened to him.