Major Scarlet Ross
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It all makes sense. They're executing Code Red. Step 1: Kill the infected. Step 2: Containment. If containment fails, then Step 3: Extermination. Now they won't stop until everyone is dead.
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dinner's put in Sam's vacant place and everyone looks at it)
Karen: He'll be hungry, when he gets back, he'll want something to eat.
Jacob: Here we go again.
Sally: Jacob, no.
Jacob: Let me tell you something, sweetheart, it's been more than five days since your boyfriend ran out on us. And if he's still breathing, which I doubt, it won't be the pasta he's interested in.
Sally: Jacob!
Jacob: It'll be your fucking neck!
Karen: Jacob don't say that!
Jacob: Well, we all know it's true! And the sooner she faces it, the better. There
are no survivors. It's just us in here, and them out there.
banging on door)
Boy: Let me in! Please let me in!
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[upon examining Andy's eyes] Green and brown. Interesting iris variation. It's usually hereditary. Do one of your parents have the same?
Andy: My mother, she did.
Scarlet: How old are you, Andy?
Andy: Twelve.
Scarlet: I think that makes you the youngest person in the entire country. Well, your blood pressure is A-OK and you're negative on any serious disease or afflictions. I think you're okay to come in. Welcome back to Britain.
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Don: Your mum and I were hiding in a house. A wee cottage. There was an old couple that owned it. And they were there, too. Three other people. And we were, uh... just trying to stay alive, I suppose. We were doing okay for a while. And then we were attacked. They came in through the kitchen window. They were really fast, you know? Chased us. Chased your mum. And we were trapped. Trapped in the bedroom. I... I seen them... biting. I couldn't do anything. I tried to go back. She was already gone. She was already gone.
Andy: Was there nothing you could do?
Don: No, there was nothing I could do. I managed to get away. Just running, running, and running. I got to this military camp. And you know the rest, you know, I've been in quarantine waiting for you guys to come back.
Tammy: We're just happy you're still alive.
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Flynn: Having fun down there Doyle?
Doyle: Kiss my head! This is the worst combat I've ever seen. Where's the combat?
Rooftop Soldier: Give me something to shoot.
Flynn: Too easy. Medical sector, east side, fat guy, jerking off in the toilet.
Rooftop sniper: Ah... bug nuts, I saw him yesterday.
Soldier: I don't see him. Where is?
Rooftop Soldier: There, look! Bald guy with his football in hands on the 20th floor.
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[After Doyle scares Flynn while he's sleeping]
Flynn: Doyle, you but thread!
Doyle: Boy, I've never seen you get so white.
Flynn: Come on!
Doyle: Dude, good morning!
Flynn: Get out of here, man. I'm having all good dreams.
Doyle: Yeah?
Flynn: Sunday afternoon, clear blue skies. I'm laying in bed with my wife and... now I'm back in this shithole.
Doyle: I know, man. I had that same dream about your wife.