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A Drunkard's Reformation is a american film of genre Drama directed by D. W. Griffith released in USA on 1 april 1909 with Arthur V. Johnson

A Drunkard's Reformation (1909)

A Drunkard's Reformation
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Released in USA 1 april 1909
Length 13minutes
Directed by
Genres Drama
Rating57% 2.860622.860622.860622.860622.86062

A Drunkard's Reformation is a 1909 American drama film directed by D. W. Griffith. Prints of the film survive in the film archive of the Library of Congress. Biograph advertised the feature as "The most powerful temperance lecture ever depicted".


John Wharton, the husband of a true and trusting wife and father of an eight-year-old girl, through the association of rakish companions becomes addicted to the drink habit, and while the demon rum has not fastened its tentacles firmly, there is no question that given free rein the inevitable would culminate in time. Arriving home one afternoon in a wine besotted condition, he is indeed a terrifying spectacle to his little family. Later, after he has slept off the effects to some extent, while at supper, the little girl shows him two tickets for the theater, begging him to take her. After some persuasion he consents to go. The play is a dramatization of Émile Zola's L'Assommoir, which shows how short a journey it is from peace and happiness to woe and despair by the road of rum. At the final curtain of the play, he is a changed man, going homeward with a firm determination that he will drink no more, which he promises his wife upon his return. Two years later we find the little family seated, happy and peaceful, at the fireside and we know that the promise has been kept.


Arthur V. Johnson

(John Wharton)
Owen Moore

(Man in the Play)
Mack Sennett

(Man in the Play / Man in the Orchestra / In the Bar)
Robert Harron

(Theatre Usher)
Herbert Yost

(In the Play)
Trailer of A Drunkard's Reformation

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Source : Wikidata


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