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Mr. Turner: Hi, Timmy! Hi, Tootie!
Mrs. Turner: Hi, Timmy! Hi, Tootie!
Timmy Turner: Hey, mom and dad.
Tootie: Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Turner.
Mr. Turner: Oh, please, call us Timmy's parents.
Mrs. Turner: Just don't call us to say that Timmy's moving back home!
Mr. Turner: Yeah, right. 'Cause you're not, right? right? No! No, no, no!
Mrs. Turner: You can't, we've already turned your room into a secret spy cave.
Mr. Turner: Please, don't take away our secret spy cave!
(Mrs. Turner starts crying)
Timmy Turner: Relax mom and dad, I'm not moving back home.
Mr. Turner: Oooh!
Mrs. Turner: Oooh!
Timmy Turner: What you guys up to?
Mr. Turner: Duh, I'm dressed up as Santa.
Mrs. Turner: And Santa's little helper!
Tootie: Very Christmassy...
Mr. Turner: It's Christmas?
Mrs. Turner: This year I'm asking Santa for something practical: A new computer!
Mr. Turner: I want something practical too: A magical pony, who poops ice cream, then he eats the ice cream, then he poops gold! Then he eats the gold, and then he poops out a motorcycle. And we all ride away... Bye!
Timmy Turner: Best parents ever...
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Santa Claus: Timmy Turner!
Cosmo: Santa!
Wanda: Santa!
Santa Claus: I need a word with you! Timmy Turner...welcome to the North Pole.
Timmy Turner: Thanks, Santa.
Santa Claus:
(Laughs) You must be Tootie...
Tootie: You know my name!
Santa Claus: But of course! And I know every present I've ever given you. Try me!
Tootie: Ah...What did you get for me when I was 8?
Santa Claus: A Professor Noggin's Chemestry set, and...ballerina shoes!