A King Without Distraction (French: Un roi sans divertissement) is a 1963 French mystery film directed by François Leterrier, starring Claude Giraud and Colette Renard. The story is set in the winter of 1840 and follows a police captain who investigates the disappearance of a young girl from a village.
The film is based on the novel Un roi sans divertissement by Jean Giono. It was shot in the village Les Hermaux, on the Aubrac plateau in Aveyron. It was released in France on 30 August 1963.Synopsis
En 1840, sur le plateau enneigé du Trièves, le capitaine de gendarmerie Langlois vient en plein hiver enquêter sur la disparition d'une jeune fille du village. Il tente de s'identifier à l'assassin afin de comprendre son comportement.