Asso (Ace) is an Italian comedy film, directed by Franco Castellano and Giuseppe Moccia and released in 1981. The film stars Adriano Celentano, Edwige Fenech, Renato Salvatori, Sylva Koscina, Pippo Santonastaso, Gianni Magni and Elisabetta Viviani. It was filmed in Italy.Synopsis
Asso, an ace poker player, has just married his long-time love, Silvia, the most coveted woman in his neighborhood. For her sake, he promises to give up poker, but the unexpected arrival of a notorious player in town and his wife's permission push him into one last game, which he wins. But as he tries to return home the following morning, he is apprehended by the Killer, one of his closer acquaintances, who has been hired to do away with Asso himself.