Against All Odds is a 1984 romantic, film noir thriller film, a remake of Out of the Past. The film was directed by Taylor Hackford and features Rachel Ward, Jeff Bridges, and James Woods. Supporting players include Jane Greer (who had starred in Out of the Past), Alex Karras, Richard Widmark, and Dorian Harewood. The film revolves around an aging American football star who is hired by a mobster to find his girlfriend.
The movie's soundtrack, nominated for a Grammy Award, featured songs from Big Country, Kid Creole & the Coconuts, Stevie Nicks, and Genesis breakout stars Mike Rutherford, Peter Gabriel, and Phil Collins. Collins sang the title song, which was nominated for an Academy Award as Best Original Song and for an Golden Globe Award as Best Original Song, being one of the top-selling singles of 1984.Synopsis
Professional football player Terry Brogan (Jeff Bridges) is released by his team, the (fictitious) Los Angeles Outlaws. Aging, injured and in need of money, he is contacted by an old acquaintance, the shady gambler and nightclub owner Jake Wise (James Woods), who wants Terry to find Jake's girlfriend Jessie Wyler (Rachel Ward), daughter of the Outlaws' owner. Jake claims that Jessie assaulted him, stole money and fled. Terry is reluctant to take on the job, but needs the money and knows Wise is capable of blackmailing him.