Alois Nebel is a 2011 Czech animated drama film directed by Tomáš Luňák, based on the comic-book trilogy by Jaroslav Rudiš and Jaromír 99. It is set in the late 1980s in a small village in the Jeseník Mountains, close to the Polish border, and tells the story of a train dispatcher who begins to suffer from hallucinations where the present converges with the dark past of the expulsion of Germans after World War II. The black-and-white film was animated mainly through rotoscoping and stars Miroslav Krobot as the title character. The film was selected as the Czech entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 84th Academy Awards, but it did not make the final shortlist. The film was submitted and won European Film Awards for Best animated movie.Synopsis
L'intrigue commence en Tchécoslovaquie à l'automne 1989. Aloïs Nebel, chef d'une petite gare dans une petite commune de la région des Jeseníky, la partie orientale des Sudètes près la frontière polonaise, vit seul, plongé dans ses souvenirs qu'il croit revoir chaque fois que le brouillard se lève et qui remontent à l'immédiate après-guerre, lors de l'expulsion hors de Tchécoslovaquie des Allemands des Sudètes.