Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight (also known as Amelia Earhart) is a 1994 television film starring Diane Keaton, Rutger Hauer and Bruce Dern. It is based on Doris L. Rich's Amelia Earhart: A Biography. The film depicts events in the life of Amelia Earhart, focusing on her final flight and disappearance in 1937, with her exploits in aviation and her marriage to publisher G.P. Putnam being revealed in flashbacks. This film was not the first television dramatization of Earhart's life, as Amelia Earhart appeared in 1976, starring Susan Clark as Earhart and John Forsythe as her husband George Putnam.Synopsis
In 1928, Amelia Earhart (Diane Keaton) gains fame by undertaking a transatlantic flight, albeit as a passenger. Her marriage to media tycoon George Palmer Putnam (Bruce Dern) and a series of record-breaking flights propel her to international fame as a long-distance flyer. With help from a close friend and adviser, Paul Mantz (Paul Guilfoyle), Earhart and her navigator, the hard-drinking Fred Noonan (Rutger Hauer), plan her longest flight ever: a round-the-world attempt in 1937. The interest in Japanese-held islands may lead to her disappearance, and a massive search effort is unsuccessful, but solidifies Earhart as an aviation icon.