American Virgin (previously Virgin on Bourbon Street) is a 2009 American comedy film directed by Clare Kilner, written by Jeff Seeman, and starring Brianne Davis and Jenna Dewan with appearances of Rob Schneider and Bo Burnham.Synopsis
Priscilla White (Jenna Dewan) is a prim and proper girl. She has a boyfriend, Brad (Ben Marten), but is "saving herself" sexually until marriage. She starts her freshman year at Pennington College as a scholar from her sexual abstinence group. In her dorm room she meets hallmates Chuck (Chase Ryan Jeffery) and Kevin (Elan Moss-Bachrach), Kevin's girlfriend Eileen (Ashley Schneider), and her own roommate, Natalie "The Naz" (Brianne Davis). Naz is Priscilla's polar opposite: she smokes cigarettes and pot, drinks alcohol, and is very sexually active.