An Accidental Soldier is an Australian television film produced by Goalpost Pictures, released on 15 September 2013, and starring Marie Bunel, Dan Spielman, Julia Zemiro, and Bryan Brown. It is written by Blake Ayshford from the screenplay of John Charalambous, who based it on his 2008 book Silent Parts. The film was directed by Rachel Ward and was shot just outside Perth, Western Australia.Synopsis
Harry Lambert (Dan Spielman) is a timid 35-year-old Australian baker. The rural town, in which he resides, shames him into joining the 1st AIF to fight in the Western Front of World War I. Behind the lines, he continues to bake bread. When the bakers are told to fight, Harry realises he must find love before he faces death and leaves the battlefield. In a countryside where deserters are being hunted, he barely avoids capture when Colombe Jacotot (Marie Bunel) finds him.