Ankur Arora Murder Case is a 2013 Bollywood medical thriller film directed by Suhail Tatari and written by Vikram Bhatt. The film takes up an urgent and disturbing issue of death during surgery and is based on a real-life incident where a boy dies on the operation table due to medical negligence. The shooting of the film started after nearly one year of research and similarities to real life are in this case, not coincidental.
The movie released on 14 June 2013 along with Fukrey.Synopsis
Romesh (Arjun Mathur) was a young medical intern who dared to dream. He was in awe of Dr. Asthana (Kay Kay Menon), the Chief of Surgery of the Shekhawat General Hospital. All he wanted was to be like him. He lived in with Riya (Vishakha Singh), his co-intern and the love of his life.