Arjun – Kalimpong E Sitaharan is a 2013 Bengali film directed by Prem Prakash Modi and produced by Mukul Sarkar under the banner of T.Sarkar Productions. The film features actors Om and Sabyasachi Chakraborty in the lead roles. This action and thriller marks the debut of young Bengali actor Om in the role of detective Arjun. Based on Sitaharan Rahasya and Khunkharapi by Samaresh Majumdar, the film was released on 3 May 2013.Synopsis
Arjun is a sleuth cum science fiction character of Jalpaiguri created by famous Bengali writer Samaresh Majumdar for young children. He wrote many stories in the Arjun series, namely Arjun Ebaar Kolkata-e, Arjun Beriye Elo,
[email protected] and many more. This film is the first of the Arjun series based on Sitaharan Rahasya and Khunkharapi. In the film, Arjun (Om) is seen solving a case with the help of his mentor and guide, Amol Shome (Sabyasachi Chakraborty) in Kalimpong. He is portrayed as a Gen X sleuth who doesn't own a mobile phone but can be seen riding a bike.