Asiemut is a Canadian documentary film depicting the 8,000 kilometres (5,000 mi) cycling and philosophical journey of a young French Canadian couple from Mongolia to India. It was entirely filmed, directed and produced by Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrier. Asiemut has won 35 prizes in festivals around the world.Synopsis
Asiemut chronicles the 8000 km journey of Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrier. Riding their bicycles and pedaling through Asia, Olivier and Mélanie traveled from Mongolia to Kolkata, at the mouth of the Ganges in India, passing through Xinjiang, the Taklamakan Desert, Tibet and Nepal. Along the way, they discover the world, but over all, they discover themselves. Who are they? What do they want? What is their place in this world? Maybe, between the encounters, obstacles and the discovery, this daring journey made them reflect... Do we not all have a common "Asiemut"?