Attack on a China Mission is a 1900 British short silent drama film, directed by James Williamson, showing some sailors coming to the rescue of the wife of a missionary killed by Boxers. The four-shot film, according to Michael Brooke of BFI Screenonline, was innovative in content and technique. It incorporated a reverse-angle cut and at least two dozen performers, whereas most dramatic films of the era consisted of single-figure casts and very few shots. Film historian John Barnes claims Attack on a China Mission had "the most fully developed narrative" of any English film up to that time."Synopsis
Des Boxers, militants nationalistes chinois, entreprennent de détruire une mission évangélique anglaise. Ils tuent le pasteur qui tente de protéger son épouse et sa fille. La gouvernante donne l'alerte en agitant un linge blanc à une fenêtre de l'étage. Les Blue Jackets arrivent, tirant de loin sur les insurgés. Puis ils chargent, libérant la mère et sa fille, et encerclent les rescapés de leurs tirs nourris.