Axeman (originally released as Axeman at Cutter's Creek) is a 2013 horror film written and directed by Joston Theney. The film had a limited theatrical release beginning February 14, 2013, and was released to DVD on May 6, 2014. It stars Chantelle Albers as a young woman that finds herself being terrorized by an axe-wielding killer.Synopsis
In a cabin by Cutter's Creek, three bank robbers are murdered by an axe-wielding mountain man. Later, a group of friends, led by Brian, are brought to the same cabin by a guide, who is apprehensive about being in the area. After settling in, Brian mentions that the reason he got the cabin for such a low price is because it supposedly once belonged to a family that was massacred by the Axeman, an unidentified serial killer whose reign of terror ended as mysteriously as it started. When the discussion concludes, Randy goes off to spy on Vivian, and is murdered by the Axeman, who rips his head off.