Bad Kids Go to Hell is a 2012 dark comedy thriller film directed by Matthew Spradlin, who co-wrote it with Barry Wernick. Based on Spradlin and Wernick's best-selling graphic novel of the same name, the film stars Amanda Alch, Marc Donato, Augie Duke, Roger Edwards, Ali Faulkner, and Cameron Deane Stewart as six prep school students, who serve detention in a seemingly haunted school library. It had a limited theatrical release on October 27, 2012. On December 7, 2012, it was released nationwide. The film was also screened at various public destinations across the U.Synopsis
A SWAT team barges into a school library to find a student holding an axe and surrounded by savaged bodies, before the film goes back eight hours previously. Six unruly prep school students are forced to serve Saturday detention for eight hours at Crestview Academy, where psychologist Dr. Day (Jeffrey Schmidt) conducts psychological testing on the students to examine their personalities and trigger their demeanors, recording each session in the process. Despite receiving an expulsion notice from Headmaster Nash (Judd Nelson), a new low-income student Matt Clark (Cameron Deane Stewart) plans to compensate for his poor behavior by joining the awkward Tarek Ahmed (Marc Donato), the jock Craig Cook (Roger Edwards), the sly Goth girl Veronica Harmon (Augie Duke), the prissy and asthmatic Megan McDurst (Amanda Alch), and the popular girl Tricia Wilkes (Ali Faulkner) in detention.