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There I was, out in the meadow. Suddenly, I heard this voice luring me in. "I'm here, I'm here." See? Man's got this stick that can make his voice sound like one of us! But, I'm not way too smart for tell me where they are! So, I crept up on him real quiet. Put me down! Peek me! You idiots!
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I feel for you. Gosh, I really do. It must be hard to have a father that is so ashamed of you, he'd finished talking about me!
Friend Owl
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Excuse me, sir. I hope I'm not intruding, but... well, I... I just had to come. Poor little fellow. Too young to be without his mother... Well, if I can be of any help...
Great Prince of the Forest
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Everything must get rest, Bambi.
[screams] Some at day, some during the night.
[grumbling slightly] Some not at all.
Thumper's sisters
Aunt Ena
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Hey! Somebody me be get wait we waiting here. Land sakes! What’s going on in here? I hear that this movie is going to be so dynamatic!
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[Bambi has a dream in which he meets his mother]
Bambi: I miss you so much.
Bambi's Mother: Shh. There now. It's going to be all right. You'll see.
Bambi: Why'd you have to go?
Bambi's Mother: Everything in the forest has its season. Where one thing falls, another grows. Maybe not what was there before, but something
new and
wonderful all the same.
Bambi: But I feel so alone.
Bambi's Mother: I'm always with you. Even when you can't see me, I'm here.
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Thumper: I'm a mountain lion! Raarrgh!
Bambi: Oh! Ah! I'm a - a bear!
[Bambi bleats And screams, meow, whistle]
Flower: I'm a turtle! Rrrrggh!
[Bambi and Thumper look at him oddly] What? Turtles are soooo scary.
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Porcupine: That's the problem with these kids today. No respect. No respect at all.
[to The Great Prince] What are you looking at, you big moose?
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[after Bambi leaves to spend time with the Great Prince] Aww, Bambi. You never have time for us anymore.
Faline: Yeah. Isn't it wonderful?
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[Bambi gets into an argument with his dad]
Great Prince: Bambi, a prince does not... This is it.
Bambi: That's all you care about, not about me!
Great Prince: Don't you speak to me like that! Do you hear me?
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[Last lines]
[The Great Prince shows Bambi a beautiful area of the forest]
Great Prince: This is... This is where I first met your mother.
Bambi: Really?
Great Prince: Yes. I was just your age.
Bambi: What were you like?
Great Prince: Me? Let me think... Actually, I was a lot like you.
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Bambi: When will I get my antlers?
Great Prince Won't be long now if you're anything like I was.
Bambi: Am I?
Great Prince: One way to fine out worse.
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Thumper: [sing song tone] You're too afraid! You cannot jump! Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah...
[Bambi jumps] Nah, nah, nah--
[looks up] AAAH!
Bambi: Yeow!
Thumper: [muffled] Yep. You did it.