The Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot
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[to Max Shreck, after kidnapping him] I believe the word your looking for is AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Actually, this is all just a bad dream. You're at home in bed, heavily sedated, resting comfortably...
dying from the carcinogens you personally spewed in a lifetime of profiteering. Tragic irony, or poetic justice? You tell me.
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I wasn't born in the sewer, you know. I come from...
[indicates to the opening of a drain pipe, then turns to Max] Like you. And like you, I want some respect. A recognition of my basic humanity. But most of all... I wanna find out who I am. By finding my parents, learning my human name. Simple stuff that the good people of Gotham take for granted!
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I may have saved the Mayor's baby, but I refuse to save a Mayor who stood by, helpless
as a baby, while Gotham City was ravaged by a disease that turned Eagle Scouts into crazed clowns and happy homemakers into catwomen!
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[while crashing Max Shreck's ball] Right now, my troops are fanning out across town - for your children!
[crowd gasps] Yes! For your first-born sons! The ones you left helpless at home, so you could dress up like jerks, get juiced, and dance... BADLY!
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[addressing his penguin army] My dear penguins, we stand on a great threshold! It's okay to be scared; many of you won't be coming back. Thanks to Batman, the time has come to punish
all of God's children! First, second, third
and fourth-born! Why be biased?! Male and female! Hell, the sexes are equal, with their erogenous zones BLOWN SKY-HIGH!!!
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Ah, shit... I picked a cute one.
[hurls away the umbrella] The heat's getting to me... I'll murder you momentarily... but first, I need a cold drink of ice water...
[he keels over on the edge of the bank and dies. Six emperor penguins waddle up to the him and slide his body into the water]Dialogue
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[After escaping from a botched rally, Penguin returns to his underground lair. The place is packed with penguins, who rush to greet him]
Penguin: My babies... did you miss me?
Red Triangle Thin Clown: Great speech, Oswald!
[punches him aside with his umbrella] MY NAME IS NOT OSWALD! IT'S
[a henchman passes him some papers, which he gives to everyone] Ah! It's time... These are the names of the firstborn sons of Gotham City, just like I was. And like me, a terrible fate waits for them: tonight, while their parents party,
they'll be dreaming away in their safe cribs, their soft beds. And WE WILL SNATCH THEM, CARRY THEM INTO THE SEWER, AND TOSS THEM INTO A DEEP, DARK WATERY GRAVE...!
Red Triangle Fat Clown: Ermm... Penguin? I mean, killing sleeping children... isn't that a little..?
Penguin: [shoots clown with gun umbrella] No! IT'S A LOT!
[Kicks the dead henchman into the sewage river]
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(Bruce Wayne has come to Max Shreck's fancy-dress Christmas ball without a costume)
Max Shreck: Ingenious costume, let me guess. Trust-fund goody-goody.
Bruce Wayne: Feeling good, huh? Yeah, well, you almost made a monster of the Mayor of Gotham City.
Shreck: I am the light of this city...and I am its mean, twisted soul. Does it matter who's Mayor?
Wayne: It does to me.
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(Penguin has crashed Max Shreck's Christmas ball to kidnap Max's son)
Penguin: I've personally come for Gotham's favorite son, Mr Chip Shreck! You're coming with me, you great white
dope, to die way down in the sewer!!
Max: Not Chip! If you have an iota of human feeling, take me instead!
[hesitates] I don't! So no!
Max: I'm the one you want! Ask yourself. Isn't it Max Shreck who manipulated and betrayed you, eh? Isn't it Max, not Chip, who you want to see immersed to his eyeballs in
raw sewage?
[hesitates again] Okay, you've got a point.
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Catwoman: Bruce... I would - I would love to live with you in your castle... forever, just like in a fairy tale.
[Batman caresses the back of her head]
Catwoman: [she claws Batman on the cheek] I just couldn't live with myself, so don't pretend this is a happy ending!
Max: Selina?! Selina Kyle?! You're fired.
(to Batman) And Bruce Wayne. Why are you dressed up like Batman?
Catwoman: Because he
is Batman, you moron!
[produces a gun] Was.
[Shoots Batman in the chest, knocking him down]
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[Batman saves Shreck from Catwoman]
Max: You're not just saving a life, you're saving...
Batman: Shut up. You're going to jail.
Catwoman: Don't be naīve! The law doesn't apply to people like him
or us!
Batman: Wrong on both counts.
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Catwoman: You killed me. The Penguin killed me. Batman killed me. That's three lives down - you got enough in there to finish me off?!
Max: One way to find out.
[shoots Catwoman twice]
Catwoman: Four... five...
[swings whip around, then cracks it loudly] Still alive!
[hit twice again; limps toward Max] Six... seven... all good girls go to heaven...
[Max fires the gun again, but it is empty; laughs] Two lives left I think I'll save one for next Christmas. But in the meantime... How about a kiss, Santy Claus?
[electrocutes Schreck]
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Alfred Pennyworth: Well, come what may. Merry Christmas, Mr. Wayne.
Bruce Wayne:
[sadly] Merry Christmas, Alfred. Good will toward men... and women.
About Batman Returns
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I think I upset McDonald’s. [They asked] ‘What’s that black stuff coming out of the Penguin’s mouth? We can’t sell Happy Meals with that!'
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Remember, I came in when the audience was disturbed by Danny DeVito as the Penguin, and then Michelle Pfeiffer — which was still fabulous and maybe a little too S&M for some people.