Beyond This Place (2010) is a documentary film directed by Kaleo La Belle, screened at a number of film festivals. In it, La Belle reunites with his biological father Cloud Rock La Belle, a charismatic figure who was largely absent from his life. The film deals, in a personal and intimate way, with issues of parenting, issues of freedom versus responsibility, and with the aging of the 60's generation.
The film won an award for Best Documentary over 60 minutes at the 2010 Krakow Film Festival and the "Prix création" award at the 2010 Visions du Réel film festival.
The score of the film was written by Sufjan Stevens and Raymond Raposa. The film was screened with a live musical performance by the two musicians in the fall of 2011, including at the Castro Theater in San Francisco.Synopsis
"Stoned for 40 Years", c’est ainsi que Cloud Rock La Belle intitule sa vie. Dans sa vie, il n’y a que deux choses auxquelles Cloud a été fidèle: la drogue et le vélo. Et voilà que son fils Kaleo La Belle lui lance un défi: lors de leur excursion en vélo à travers l’état de l’Oregon, ce père excentrique devra affronter les questions que son fils lui posera. En effet, au cours de ce périple, Kaleo cherchera les réponses à cette relation père-fils peu commune et s’efforcera de résoudre la question de savoir dans quelle mesure le concept de liberté prôné par le mouvement hippie peut tenir la route.