Blackthorn is a 2011 Western film directed by Mateo Gil and starring Sam Shepard, Eduardo Noriega, and Stephen Rea. Written by Miguel Barros, the film is a fictional account of an aged Butch Cassidy living under the assumed name James Blackthorn in a secluded village in Bolivia 20 years after his disappearance in 1908. Blackthorn was filmed on location in La Paz, Potosí, and Uyuni in Bolivia. Initially released on iTunes on September 2, 2011, the film was released theatrically in the United States on October 7, 2011.Synopsis
Twenty years after his disappearance in 1908, an aged Butch Cassidy (Sam Shepard), living under the assumed name James Blackthorn in a secluded village in Bolivia, decides to end his long exile and return to the United States after learning of the death of Etta Place. He writes to her son, Ryan, who is in fact his own son, telling him he intends to return. After years of raising horses and living a solitary life, Blackthorn sets off for Potosí to sell his horses. He tells his lover, Yana (Magaly Solier), that he will see her again before leaving Bolivia.