Blind Side is an HBO thriller made for television movie filmed in 1992, starring Rutger Hauer, Rebecca De Mornay, and Ron Silver, directed by Geoff Murphy and executive produced by Jeffrey Lurie, John Bard Manulis and John Marsh. It aired on HBO in late 1993 and on NBC in early 1994. It was released theatrically in territories including France, Italy and Sweden.Synopsis
A married couple, Lynn and Doug Kaines (De Mornay and Silver), owners of an exotic furniture design company, visit Mexico, with Lynn in her first term of pregnancy. On their nighttime return trip, with her at the wheel, they accidentally run into and kill a Mexican police officer in the middle of the road. They make no report of the accident to avoid the perils of a Mexican jail, but slide the dead cop to the side of the road and return to the US. They have the front end damage to their car repaired clandestinely and appear to have gotten away with the killing.