Blonde Ambition is an American film released in December 2007 and inspired by the theme of the Academy Award-winning movie Working Girl, starring singer/actress Jessica Simpson playing the part of a small town girl who moves to New York City and rises up into a career as a business woman. The film also stars Luke Wilson, Paul Vogt and actor/comedian Andy Dick.
Before the movie started filming, the media reported that Blonde Ambition was a remake of the 1980s film Working Girl. After Simpson learned about this rumor, she talked to Empire Online and stated, "I don't know where that came from", "it's a movie called Blonde Ambition co-starring Luke Wilson. It's definitely the theme of Working Girl - this small town girl that moves to New York City to rise up into this great career as a business woman pretty much. But it's definitely not a remake." Simpson also said that this film is more of a knockabout comedy than the Melanie Griffith starrer, which was a drama genre movie.
The official trailer for the movie leaked to the Internet on early May 2007, a full version of a pre-release DVD was leaked on December 16, 2007.Synopsis
When Katie Gregerstitch visits her boyfriend Billy in New York, she finds him in bed with another woman. Thus, Billy breaks up with Katie, who then leaves to stay with her close friend Haley. She convinces Katie to start an independent life of her own, instead of sitting around doing nothing. One day, when Haley has to go to an audition, Katie takes over her job as a messenger and eventually has to deliver a shipment to a large building construction company.