BoyBand is a comedic feature film released in 2010 that depicts the fictional saga of the first ever American boyband. The film stars Michael Copon, Robert Hoffman, Ryan Hansen, Ryan Pinkston, Ernest Phillips, Lorenzo Hooker III, Kurt Fuller, Ming-Na, Richard Riehle, and Tom Wright. The film was shot entirely in the county of Worcester, Massachusetts and even features a fictional Worcester High School. BoyBand was produced by Worcester based Artigo/Ajemian films. The film was written and directed by Jon Artigo, and produced by Andrea Ajemian. Kaz Gamble produced and recorded the entire soundtrack. The film is also known as BoyBand: Breakin’ through in ’82.Synopsis
The year is 1982? Brad Roberts is Worcester High School's star football quarterback and dating the captain of the cheerleading squad. However, what seems like the perfect life is not complete. Brad secretly plays in a heavy metal band, and dreams of being a pop star. Brad's parents are separated, but still live together...with his mom's new boyfriend Lou Pearlman. When Lou is inspired to create the first ever American boyband, Brad decides to become a part of it. He heads the new group, converts two of his hard rock buddies into homosexuals, and finds a couple of drag queens to round out the group (boybands must have five "members," of course).