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[Opening scene: A pep-rally style cheerleading performance.]
Big Red: I'm sexy! I'm cute! I'm popular to boot!
The Toros: I'm bitchin'. Great hair! The boys all love to stare!
I'm wanted! I'm hot! I'm everything you're not!
I'm pretty! I'm cool! I dominate this school.
Who am I? Just guess! Guys wanna touch my chest!
I'm rockin'! I smile! And many think I'm vile!
I'm flying, I jump! You can look but don't you hump! Whoo!
I'm major! I roar! I swear I'm not a whore!
We cheer, and we lead! We act like we're on speed!
Hate us 'cause we're beautiful, well, we don't like you either! We're cheerleaders! We are cheerleaders! Roll call!
Big Red: Call me Big Red!
Whitney: I'm Wh-Wh-Whitney!
Courtney: C-C-C-Courtney! Rawr!
Darcy: Dude, it's Darcy!
Carver: I'm big bad Carver! Yeah!
Kasey: Just call me Kasey!
Big Red: I'm still Big Red.
I sizzle! I scorch! But now I pass the torch.
The ballots, are in. And one girl had to win.
She's perky, she's fun! And now she's number 1! K-kick it Torrance! T-T-T-Torrance!
Torrance: I'm strong and I'm loud! I'm gonna make you proud, I'm T-T-Torrance! Your captain, Torrance!
Toros Cheer Squad: Let's go, Toros! We are the Toros, the mighty, mighty Toros! We're so terrific, we must be Toros!
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Complaining Girl: How many cheers do we actually have to memorize? Do we get paid for this? Do I have to provide my own uniform?
[after a few more people] Oh, and I see you guys are wearing red. That just does not work for me.
[after a few more people] Do I really have to wear those little underwear things,'cause I don't like wearing underwear.
Torrance: Thanks.
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[Torrance's mom disapproves of her light class schedule.]
Torrance: Will Advanced Chem get you off my back?
Christine Shipman [Torrance's mom]: Not completely, but it'll help.
Torrance: Done.
[starts to leave, then turns back] You know, mothers have
killed to get their daughters on squads.
Christine Shipman: That mother didn't kill anybody. She hired a hit man.
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Les: You know, people are saying that your ambition broke Carver's leg.
Torrance: When really it was the angle at which she slammed into the ground.
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Torrance: Courtney, this isn't a democracy, it's a cheer-ocracy. I'm sorry, I'm overruling you.
Courtney: You are being a cheer-
tator, Torrance, and a pain in my ass!
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Torrance: What the hell is up? I go out on a limb for you and you just bail?!
Missy: I'm not about stealing here!
Torrance: What are you talking about?
Missy: You ripped off those cheers!
Torrance: Listen Missy, our cheers are 100% original, count the trophies.
Missy: Well, your trophies are bullshit because you're sad-ass liars.
Torrance: Okay, that's it. Get off the car I'm gonna kick your ass!
Missy: Oh really, [
pauses for a second]. You're in for rude awakening, get in.
Torrance: What?! No way.
Missy: For real, get in.
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[An increasingly frantic Torrance tries to reach her boyfriend at college, while her kid brother plays video games and enjoys her suffering.]
Torrance: Get
OUT of here!
Justin: This is the living room. It's public domain.
Justin: It's not my fault you're in love with a big gay cheerleader who won't return your phone calls.
Torrance: Aaaron is not gay!
Justin: Oh, what — so somebody just
made him become a cheerleader?
Torrance: He's just... busy!
Justin: Yeah. Busy scamming on guys!
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[Torrance goes to the apartment of her boyfriend Aaron]
Torrance: Is this a bad time?
Aaron: Yeah I worked on this project... and I'm....
Torrance: [
butting in] Yeah you sound super busy.. I guess that's it, you were too busy to believe in me! No no but wait, you weren't too busy to sell me out to Courtney and Whitney were you? I'm confused. Well, I hope you're not too busy to hear this. Kiss my ass Aaron. It's over!
[Torrance opens the door and found a woman in lingerie on Aaron's bed.]
Torrance: You're a great cheerleader Aaron. It's just that maybe you're not exactly boyfriend material. Buh-bye!
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Sparky Polastri: I am a choreographer. It's what I do. You are cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded. What you do is a tiny, pathetic subset of dancing. I will attempt to transform your stiff, robotic routines into
poetry written with the human body. Follow me or perish, sweater-monkeys.
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Sparky: I want you to think of what you ate today. Got it? Now cut that in half. This is called a diet, people, everyone start one today! Darcy, you should stop eating. You see, when you skip a meal, your body feeds off its fat stores. And if you skip enough, maybe your body will eat your ass!
Courtney: Why does everyone have to go on a diet?
Sparky: Because! In cheerleading we throw people into the air. And fat people don't go as high.
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[Torrance is spotted making eyes at Cliff Pantone while cheering.]
Whitney: You're, like, totally his eye-candy.
Courtney: God, I can't believe you'd do that to Aaron.
Whitney: Especially with
Torrance: What are you talking about?
Whitney: Don't play dumb with us. We're better at it than you.
Courtney: You were having cheer-sex with him.
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Jan: Everyone comes to see you ladies anyway.
Missy: 'Cause we're such fine athletes.
Jan: Oh, live with it! You'll be fighting off major oglers while
we're defending our sexuality.
Missy: What
is your sexuality?
Les: Well, Jan's straight, while I'm... controversial.
Missy Are you trying to tell me you speak fag?
Les: Oh, fluently.
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[Cliff's sister is washing cars in a bikini.]
Cliff: What are you doing?
Missy: Making money from guys oogling my goodies.
Cliff: Oh... oh, I didn't need to hear that. That was an overshare.
[Missy has called Torrance over.]
[to Cliff] Let's just get this over with.
[to Torrance] My brother wants to check out your rack.
[Missy walks away; there's a moment of awkward silence.]
Cliff: You know, I begged my parents for a brother.
Torrance: He'd look a little ridiculous in that bikini, now wouldn't he?
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Missy: I don't know what's scarier: neurotic cheerleaders, or the pressure to win. I could make a killing selling something like "Diet Prozac".,
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Missy: Forget Cliff. He's an idiot.
Torrance: He's your brother. You don't see him the way I do.
Missy: Yeah, and that's a
good thing. 'Cause that would be a