Buddies Thicker Than Water is a 1962 short film, originally released as part of the Tom and Jerry series on November 1. It was the 12th and penultimate cartoon in the series to be directed by Prague-based animator Gene Deitch in then-Communist Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) and produced by William L. Snyder. The name is a pun on the phrase "Blood is thicker than water".
Although the Gene Deitch shorts were poorly received, this particular short is considered one of the more well-received due to its psychedelic and experimental nature. It was chosen for the eighth volume of the Tom & Jerry Bumper Collection VHS series.Synopsis
On a snowy night in New York City, Jerry is comfortably asleep in his hole inside a penthouse, while Tom tries to keep from freezing to death in the alley below, after being thrown out by his owner. He writes a note, slips it into a bottle, and throws it up to hit the penthouse window. Jerry, awakened by the noise, goes out to the balcony and finds both this note and a second one sent up by Tom: