Bullet (stylized as BULLET) is a 2014 action thriller film starring Danny Trejo as the title character and Jonathan Banks as the villain. The film was directed and co-written by Nick Lyon, with additional writing by Matthew Joynes, Ron Peer and Byron Lester, and was produced by Matthew Joynes and Robert Rodriguez. It follows an undercover police officer-turned-vigilante (Trejo) tracking down the crooks who kidnapped his grandson. Filming took place in Los Angeles, United States. The film was released on Blu-ray and DVD on February 25, 2014 in North America.Synopsis
Nearing retirement, maverick Los Angeles-based detective Frank "Bullet" Marasco is assigned to hunt down the notorious drug baron Carlito Kane, following a tipoff from Leroy, who is later whacked to death with a golf club due to interrupting Kane's golf game. Bullet and his team storm one of Kane's hideouts but fail to capture him.