Max Cady
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It's not necessary to lay a foul tongue on me my friend. I could get upset. Things could get out of hand. Then in self defense, I could do something to you that you would not like, right here.
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I am going to teach you the meaning of commitment. Fourteen years ago I was forced to make a commitment to an eight by nine cell, now you are going to be forced to make a commitment. You could say I'm here to save you.
Danielle Bowden
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My reminiscence: I always thought that for such a lovely river the name was mystifying, Cape Fear, when the only thing to fear on those enchanted summer nights was that the magic would end and real life would come crashing in.
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We never spoke about what happened, at least not to each other. Fear, I suppose, that to remember his name and what he did would mean letting him into our dreams. And me, I hardly dream about him anymore. Still, things won't ever be the way they were before he came. But that's alright because if you hang onto the past you die a little every day. And for myself, I know I'd rather live.
[whispers] The end.
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Max Cady:
[smiling, after grabbing the keys from the car] Free as a bird. You go wherever you want with whomever.
Sam Bowden: I'd like my keys back please.
Max Cady: Could it be you don't remember me?
Sam Bowden: I remember you. You were at the movies the other night.
Max Cady: I'm disappointed. I'm hurt.
Sam Bowden: I would like my keys.
Max Cady: Max Cady. You look the same. Maybe 15 pounds heavier. But they say the average man gains a pound a year till he's about... Come on. Gains a pound a year till he's about 60. Me? I dropped a pound every year in my sentence.
Sam Bowden: Atlanta. July 1977?
Max Cady: You got it.
[looks at keys] Fourteen years since I held a set of keys.
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Judge:Let me quote our great Negro educator, Mr. Booker T. Washington."I will let no man drag me down so low... " to make me hate him."
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Lieutenant Elgart: So what happened, your wife let the dog out and Cady abducted him and...
Sam Bowden: No, my wife didn't let the dog out.
Lieutenant Elgart: So he came into the house? Now that's illegal entry...
Sam Bowden: No, he didn't come into the house either. Now look, I'm not a cop, I don't know how he did it, all I know is that he DID it.
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Max Cady: Are you my friend? Are you my friend?
Claude Kersek: No I'm not your friend.
Max Cady: Well, see, I like to plan my comings and goings with friends, so if you're planning my comings and goings I'd call that presumptuous, in fact I'd call it downright rude.
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Max Cady: I wanted to meet you, see what you're like. I see you're a nice person. That's all.
Danielle Bowden: You're not gonna hurt me, are you?
Max Cady: No, I'm not gonna hurt you at all. There's no hurtin' here, Danielle. 'Tween us, there's no anger, nothin'. Just a search for truth. I mean, did you judge me, did you get angry at me when you caught me smokin' the grass? Hmm?
Danielle Bowden: No.
Max Cady: But your parents, they judged you. They got plenty angry at you, didn't they?
Danielle Bowden: Yeah.
Max Cady: Mm-hmm. They punished you for their sins. What did they do?
Danielle Bowden: They, uh... My dad... They just yelled a whole lot and, um... My mom cried... and my Dad said I couldn't drive the Cherokee.
Max Cady: I'd say they punished you for their sins, and you resent that, and you should resent it. But Professor 'Do-Right' has a little advice for you. You shouldn't damn 'em. Don't judge 'em. Just forgive 'em, for they know not what they do.
Danielle Bowden: Well, um, why do you hate my father?
Max Cady: I don't hate him at all. Oh no, I pray for him. I'm here to help him. I mean, we all make mistakes, Danielle. You and I have. At least we try to admit it. Don't we?...But your daddy, he don't. Every man carries a circle of hell around his head like a halo. Your daddy too. Every man... Every man has to go through hell to reach his paradise. You know what paradise is?...Salvation. 'Cause your daddy's not happy. Your mommy's not happy. And, you know what? You're not happy. Are you? You know, I think I might have found a companion, a companion for that long walk to the light.