Centauros del pasado is a 1944 Argentine historical biopic film directed by Belisario García Villar, with a screenplay by Villar, Eliseo Montaine, and Roberto Talice, as based upon the original historical novel by Montaine and Talice about Pancho Ramirez, a governor of Argentina's Entre Ríos Province during the Argentine War of Independence, and founder of the Republic of Entre Ríos.
^ Luis Trelles Plazaola (1989). South American Cinema/ Cine De America Del Sur: Dictionary of Film Makers/ Diccionario De Los Productores De Peliculas. La Editorial. p. 97. ISBN 084772011X.
^ Fuster Retali, José. "La ausencia de la Historia Argentina en el cine nacional" (in Spanish). Espacio Latino. Retrieved 28 October 2014.Synopsis
During the Argentine War of Independence, Pancho Ramirez led well-disciplined and successful forces against the Royalists, eventually founding the short-lived Republic of Entre Ríos in 1820. When opposition forces captured his wife in 1821, Ramirez was killed and beheaded during an ill-fated attempt at rescue.