Césio 137 - O Pesadelo de Goiânia est un film brésilien réalisé par Roberto Pires et sorti en 1990.
Le film raconte de façon romancée l'accident nucléaire de Goiânia, pendant lequel plusieurs personnes sont mortes irradiées par une source radioactive de Césium 137 trouvée dans un institut de radiothérapie laissé à l'abandon.
, 1h50 Directed byRuy Guerra OriginBresil GenresDrama, Western ActorsÁtila Iório, Joel Barcellos, Nelson Xavier, Hugo Carvana, Antônio Pitanga Rating75% The plot is divided into two stories; both are set in the Northeast Region of Brazil in 1963. In the first, peasant people follow an ox deemed as sacred, eating it in the end. The second story follows soldiers as they are sent to prevent poor people to plunder local warehouses.
, 1h38 OriginBresil GenresDrama ThemesFilms about religion ActorsNelson Xavier, Ana Rosa, Sandra Corveloni, Etty Fraser Rating57% The film follows the story of Bruno Alves (Reinaldo Rodrigues) that, by the age of 40, loses his wife. The loss of his job adds to its deep sadness and suicide seems the only way out. That's when he meets The Spirits Book, work of the spiritist doctrine.
, 1h50 Directed byRuy Guerra OriginBresil GenresDrama, Western ActorsÁtila Iório, Nelson Xavier, Joel Barcellos, Antônio Pitanga, Hugo Carvana Rating75% À Milagres, un village du Nordeste brésilien, un groupe de paysans affamés risquent de mettre à sac le magasin d'un notable. Un détachement de soldats est envoyé afin de prévenir d'éventuels troubles. Pour conjurer le mauvais sort, d'autres villageois se livrent, sous la direction d'un prêtre, à des rites superstitieux. Par ailleurs, un soldat, en état d'ébriété, commet un homicide en essayant de ramener de l'ordre dans un groupe de paysans en colère. Gaúcho, un conducteur de camion, s'insurge, pour sa part, contre l'attitude d'un villageois acceptant passivement le décès de sa fille, morte d'inanition. Il incite aussi les paysans à la révolte. Mais, la moindre tentative de sédition sera sévèrement réprimée.
, 1h40 OriginBresil GenresDrama ActorsNelson Xavier, Matheus Nachtergaele, Gero Camilo Rating72% A small poor community called Javé is under threat of being flooded by a new dam that is being built, and the only way to prevent this is to prove the town's historical value. As most of the inhabitants are illiterate, they have no choice but to ask for the help of Antônio Biá, a man who has been ostracized ever since it was discovered that he had sent out letters with lies about their reputations as a way to keep his job in Javé's seldom-used post office. He now has the task of documenting people's memories of how the city was founded, yet each inhabitant has his or her own version of what happened.