Changes, also known as Danielle Steel's Changes, is a 1991 television film directed by Charles Jarrott. The film is based upon the 1983 novel of the same name written by Danielle Steel.
^ Running time The New York TimesSynopsis
Melanie Adams is a divorced mother who gave birth to twin girls Val and Jessica at age 19. Nowadays, she is a successful news correspondent working in New York City. For her latest story, she travels to Los Angeles to do a report on a sick, but optimistic girl. She immediately feels attracted to the girl's doctor, Peter Hallam. Peter is a widowed father of three children; 18-year-old Mark, 15-year-old Pam, and 8-year-old Matt. Their mother died of a pulmonary hypertension, refusing treatment. The family is still grieving, and especially Pam has difficulty dealing with the loss.