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Chicken Little: Listen to me, everybody! I'm your new leader! I'm gonna save your lives! I'm gonna tell you what to do!
Cocky Locky: Don't listen to that pipsqueak. The sky isn't falling.
Chicken Little: I tell ya it is too falling!
Cocky Locky: And I tell you it isn't.
Chicken Little: Is too!
Cocky Locky: All right, if the sky is falling, why doesn't it hit me in the head?
[Foxy Loxy hits Cocky Locky with a piece of wood]
Hen: Chicken little is right! What do we do? Oh, Chicken Little, you've got to help us!
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Narrator: Hey, wait a minute! This isn't right. That's not the way it ends in my book.
Foxy Loxy: Oh, yeah? Don't believe everything you read, brother!