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We all know that we can’t vote for ourselves. Well...what do you think happens when we get down to the last person left?
Bearded Man
African-American Man
Asian Kid
Rich Man
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Cop: Hey! Hey!
Tattooed Man: Who, me?
Cop: Yeah, don't I know you?
[stares at tattooed man; grins] Huh. I wonder why?
Cop: No, seriously. He asked if we knew anyone in here.
[points to tattooed man] I know him.
Tattooed Man: I don't know you, man.
Cop: You're a mechanic in North Hollywood. Raul. Raul Jimenez. I remember you.
Cancer Survivor: What did he do?
Tattooed Man: I didn't do shit. He's lying, man.
Cop: He beat the shit out of his girlfriend. Really bad. At least I think it was his girlfriend. Hopefully, not anymore.
Tattooed Man: Come on, man. You serious?
Cancer Survivor:
[to cop] Are you sure it was him?
Cop: Yeah. I remember him 'cause of that tattoo under his right eye. That teardrop. See it?
Tattooed Man: Fuck you, man.
Cancer Survivor:
[to tattooed man] What's it for?
Tattooed Man: It's for my cousin. He got shot.
[looks at cop] By a pig like
Cop: Yeah, and it's my fault you guys are criminals.
Tattooed Man: He was sixteen.
Cop: One less criminal on the street.
Tattooed Man: Fuck you, man.
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Eric: It's a game. It's a process of elimination. The last man standing gets to walk out of here alive.
Lesbian: Or woman.
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[The group attempt to eliminate the Little Girl, but she ends up being spared.]
Translator: What is wrong with you people?
Cancer Survivor: She's just a kid! Why would you go after her?
Asian Kid: Well, one of them has to die. We need to decide.
Translator: No, we don't.
Solider: Listen, we should just leave them out of this for as long as possible. Let's just forget about it.
Eric: No, we can't do that! Not anymore.
Solider: Why not?
Eric: It's too dangerous for them! They've been exposed.
Cancer Survivor: Oh, come on! Nobody is going to vote for them again, right?
Lesbian: She's never heard of birth control, so she gets to live?
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[The Pilot has just volunteered to die.]
Rich Man: Well, this is gonna be a whole lot easier if we can get a few volunteers.
One-Armed Man: Easier for who? You?
Rich Man: Look, we gotta take control of this situation and this is the best way.
Lawyer: I mean, hey, if we're all gonna die, it might as well be on our own terms.
One-Armed Man: Yeah, yeah, that'll teach those fuckin' aliens.
Husband: Hey, we're doing what we can, man.
Lawyer: Yeah, it's the best idea we got.
One-Armed Man: Then you volunteer.
Lawyer: I don't see you stepping forward.
One-Armed Man: We should all step forward.
[points to the Pregnant Lady] I mean, everybody but her.
[sarcastically] So mass suicide, then? That's great. Let's do that.