Komm, süßer Tod (Come Sweet Death) is a 2000 Austrian darkly humorous crime film based on the novel by Wolf Haas of the same name. It is one of the Brenner detective stories, which tell of the luckless life of ex-policeman and unsuccessful private investigator Simon Brenner, who tramps throughout Austria and stumbles upon difficult crime cases.
Brenner is portrayed by one of Austria's most famous comedians, Josef Hader. "Komm, süßer Tod" was produced by DOR Film, the Austrian Film Institute and ORF.
The film won the Romy Award for being the most successful Austrian movie of 2001.Synopsis
Former police officer and luckless private investigator Simon Brenner has become an emergency medical technician, having been fired from the police force because he slept with his boss's wife. He only wants to keep out of trouble and keep a steady job for a while, but finds himself caught up in a war between two rival EMS organizations.