Atrapadas (English language: "Trapped", released as Condemned to Hell) is a 1984 Argentine thriller drama film written and directed by Aníbal Di Salvo, set in a women's prison. It stars Leonor Benedetto.Synopsis
A corrupt prison system comes under scrutiny in this action drama about a racketeering lesbian inmate, crooked wardens, drug traffickers, and another female prisoner who challenges the system. Silvia (Leonor Benedetto) refuses to cooperate with Susana (Camila Perissé) when she comes around to induce her to take drugs, an act which gets her severely beaten and her younger sister murdered. Outraged at Susana's collusion with a handful of corrupt wardens and drug barons, Silvia vows revenge, and, with the help of some inmates and a decent warden, she escapes from prison for one night to carry out a plan that is meant to eliminate the drug traffickers, Susana, and their prison minions — on both side of the bars.