Connecting Rooms is a 1970 British drama film written and directed by Franklin Gollings. The screenplay is based on the play The Cellist by Marion Hart. The film stars Bette Davis, Michael Redgrave, and Leo Genn.
The plot explores the relationships shared by the residents of a seedy boarding house owned by dour Mrs. Brent. Among them are busker Wanda Fleming, who is flattered by the attention paid her by rebellious pop songwriter wannabe Mickey Hollister, and former schoolmaster James Wallraven, who has been accused of pedophilia and reduced to working as a janitor in an art gallery.Synopsis
Les relations compliquées des résidents d'une pension de famille miteuse de Londres. Parmi eux, la chanteuse Wanda Fleming, flattée par l’attention de Mickey Hollister, prétendu auteur-compositeur pop, et l’ancien maître d’école James Wallraven, accusé de pédophilie et réduit à travailler comme concierge dans une galerie d’art .