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Crooks in Clover is a french film of genre Comedy directed by Georges Lautner released in france in DVD on 17 september 2002 with Lino Ventura

Crooks in Clover (1963)

Les Tontons flingueurs

Crooks in Clover
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Raoul Volfoni

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Bougez-pas ! Les mains sur la table. J'vous préviens qu'on a la puissance de feu d'un croiseur et des flingues de concours.
translation : Freeze ! hands on the table ! I'm warning you we have the firepower of a cruiser and high quality guns.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook translation : Freeze ! hands on the table ! I'm warning you we have the firepower of a cruiser and high quality guns.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Non, mais t'a déjà vu ça ? En pleine paix, il chante et puis crac, un bourre pif ! Il est complètement fou ce mec. Mais moi, les dingues, je les soigne. J'vais lui faire une ordonnance et une sévère... J'vais lui montrer qui c'est Raoul. Aux quat' coins d'Paris qu'on va l'retrouver éparpillé par petits bouts, façon Puzzle. Moi, quand on m'en fait trop j'correctionne plus : j'dynamite, j'disperse, j'ventile.
translation : Seriously did you ever see that ? Bang in a middle of peace, he sings then POW!, a nose breaker! He's completely crazy that one. But me , madmen, I cure’em. I’m gonna give him a prescription, and a severe one at that, gonna show him who Raoul is. On all corners of Paris he’ll be found, spread in little bits Jigsaw puzzle style. Me, when too much is done to me, I don’t correct anymore, I dynamite, I spread and ventilate

Facebook Share this quote on facebook translation : Seriously did you ever see that ? Bang in a middle of peace, he sings then POW!, a nose breaker! He's completely crazy that one. But me , madmen, I cure’em. I’m gonna give him a prescription, and a severe one at that, gonna show him who Raoul is. On all corners of Paris he’ll be found, spread in little bits Jigsaw puzzle style. Me, when too much is done to me, I don’t correct anymore, I dynamite, I spread and ventilate

Monsieur Fernand

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Les cons ça ose tout ! C'est même à ça qu'on les reconnaît.
Translation : Morons dare everything ! Actually, that's how you know they're morons.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Translation : Morons dare everything ! Actually, that's how you know they're morons.

Maître Folace

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Touche pas au grisby, salope !
translation : don't touch the money, bitch !

Facebook Share this quote on facebook translation : don't touch the money, bitch !

Paul Volfoni

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Écoute : on te connaît pas. Mais laisse-nous te dire que tu te prépares des nuits blanches, des migraines, des nervousses brékdones comme on dit de nos jours.
translation : listen : we don't know you. But let me tell you one thing : you're gonna to have some long nights, headaches and 'nervousses brékdones' (nervous breakdown)

Facebook Share this quote on facebook translation : listen : we don't know you. But let me tell you one thing : you're gonna to have some long nights, headaches and 'nervousses brékdones' (nervous breakdown)


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Tiens, vous avez sorti le vitriol ?
Translation: So, you have taken out the vitriol?

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Translation: So, you have taken out the vitriol?