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D.O.A. is a american film of genre Drama directed by Rocky Morton released in USA on 18 march 1988 with Dennis Quaid

D.O.A. (1988)

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Facebook Share this quote on facebook Sydney: This is life. Here, now. Take it or leave it.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Dexter: [laughing] So this is what it's all about: some kid's damn homework!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Dexter: So, who you going to kill for your next novel?

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Dexter: So, who are you going to kill for your next novel?
Hal: All I need is this one break; after that, I can write anything I want. And you can bet that I won't sit on my laurels like you did!
Dexter: Well, at least they *were* my laurels.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Mrs. Fitzwaring: How did you know about Nick?
Dexter: I'm psychic.
Bernard: Good. Then you know what's going to happen to you.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Sydney: So, who are you going to punch a confession out of next?

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Sydney: I just wanted to spend the night with you, not Eternity!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Dexter: Is that the best your pretty, prosaic little mind can come up with?
Ulmer: It's a pretty, prosaic little world, Mr. Cornell.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Bernard: I don't think I like what you're inferring, Mr. Cornell...
Dexter: [condescendingly] Implying. When I say it, that's implying. How you take it, that's inferring.
Bernard: I see. Infer this.
[punches Dexter]

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Hal: You had it... You had it... and you pissed it away... goddamn it, Dex... you had a talent... You had a talent that other people...
Dexter: [pulls a gun on Hal] ...kill for?
[last lines]
Hal: Yeah, that's right kill for... isn't that what it's all about? Publish or Perish?
Dexter: [as he fires his gun] Perish.

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Dexter: Just somebody's homework, is all.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Ulmer: Stopped by for a little Christmas cheer, did you?
Dexter (testy): What if I did?
Ulmer: Jealous husband pushes Nicky off the roof, so Angry Wife serves him a Christmas mickey. Next morning he wakes up with a tummyache, so he gets a little checkup and finds out he was murdered, so he drops by for one last bang-up marital spat.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Someone poisoned Dexter Cornell. He's got to find out who. He's got to find out why. He's got to find out now. In 24 hours, he'll be Dead On Arrival.