Dad's Army is an upcoming 2016 British war comedy film, based on the BBC television sitcom Dad's Army. Directed by Oliver Parker, it will be set in 1944, after the events depicted in the television series. The story will see Catherine Zeta-Jones play a glamorous journalist, who is sent to report on the Walmington-on-Sea Home Guard platoon. This is all before MI5 discovers that there is a German spy, hiding in the fictional British town. Filming began in Yorkshire in October 2014.
The production design was by Simon Bowles, and the cinematography by Christopher Ross. The film is due to be released on 5 February 2016, in the United Kingdom.Synopsis
En 1944, alors que la Seconde Guerre mondiale touche à sa fin, un groupe de soldats de la Home Guard, mené par le Capitaine Mainwaring (Toby Jones), et basé à Walmington-on-Sea, accumule les déboires. C'est alors que la journaliste Rose Winters (Catherine Zeta-Jones) arrive en ville pour écrire un article sur ce petit groupe de soldats. Parallèlement, on apprend qu'un espion nazi sévit dans les environs.